Stupid things you've done while your high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by antoniown, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Whats good everyone. Has anyone ever done something really stupid that you could only do while your high? I'll start it off and you guys can add. Ok what I sometimes do is take out my phone to try to change the song on my ipod and also my friend passes me a lit blunt and I ask him for a lighter haha
  2. Well I can't think of anything funny for myself right now but one time me and three other guys were smokin in a car, and we we're telling the driver to turn down a neighborhood, and he ended up pullin in a driveway. Way more funny to experience it than to read about it, but still pretty damn funny and a stupid stoner mistake lol
  3. I tried to shave myself with my hair dryer. Took me a few minutes to realize :rolleyes:
  4. I don't remember most of them.

    Just the whole walk into a room and forget what the hell I was doing there in the first place sort of things.

    I've also lost lighters, laughed and spoken incoherent sentences.
  5. #5 MrsBobLoblaw420, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2011
    Happened last was snowing and i got my car stuck in a ditch at my friend's house. I freaked out and almost had a nervous breakdown until my friend told me I could just back my car down the hill to get out
  6. dude I was so high I walked into my friends kitchen and had like a seizure lol like my vision blurred and I couldn't balance myself and my head and stomach hurt and I'm baked now hahaha :smoking:
  7. this one just happend to me, so i had been smoking alot of mary-wanna today, n had just gotten home and since my parents were out i blazed some more,
    then me and my freind were walkin to my other freinds, there were gonna meet us half way, we say 3 girls comming are way and we thought it was are freinds (who were supose to meet half way) my freind starts yelling there names the girls dont even look at us, so when the walk by me nd my freind stare at them hardcore trying to see who it was turns out jus some random girls walking wherever i was ripped so i laffed my ass off lol :p:smoke:
  8. Everything i do high is basically stupid
  9. My wife and I were invited to a cook out with another couple. They were not smokers. That didn't keep up us from baking on the way over. They were cooking steaks on the grill. I was out on the deck, where the grill was, alone. I decide to check on the steaks. By pulling up on the handle I thought I would open it, I turned the grill over spilling steaks and charcoal all over the deck.
  10. #10 G4nj4M4n, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2011
    This happened not long ago... hope everyone will learn from this, because i sure did XD

    Chillin with my homies just faced a fat blunt of some OG kush, in right bucket seat of my buddies van, he asks me to close his van door because it is partially open (note we are going ~35 and around a corner when this occurs) So I pop off my seatbelt to open and close the driver side back door.

    Also note that the wind was roughly 40 MPH on this day. So I go to open and shut the sliding door quickly, this shitty door needs to be slightly pushed to open as well, which i'm told when failing to open it at first. So I proceed to do this, the van door slides almost fully open taken by the wind. Now I am sitting in the left bucket seat with no seat belt (high as shit) and i feel the wind start to slowly pull me out of the van as I scream "FUCK!"

    If you haven't experienced something like this yet it's pretty traumatizing, as you really don't have much control in the situation I was in.Luckily,I thought on the spot and planted my feet and hopped quickly from the left to the right and grabbed onto the right side door before I was doomed to be roadkill. The van door is still fully open, and I'm across the van holding on for dear life, as my buddy reaches back and finishes the job . Now I had practically shit myself. Had I not jumped to the other side of the car I would of easily been either
    1. Ejected from the car, and ran over by the backwheels
    2. Thrown into oncoming traffic.
    Either situation, death is most likely

    These are the kind of things I wouldnt normally think about while high, Lesson learned, always wear a seatbelt, even when doing simple shit like quickly opening and closing a door, specifically in a Van. One of my buddies there witnessed this whole event and we proceeded to talk about how fucked up it was and probably close to death I was
    This might not be as bad as some stuff a lot of stoners have done, but definitely my worst moment.

    Of course it's something I can get stoned and laugh about now, as I would never do something that blatantly stupid again.

    I also really, really suck at cooking shit when I get too baked. As I forget about the progress of my food :/
  11. i can't think of anything stupid, I just eat a lot. I have to control the munchies, it ruins my high
  12. my cell was out of network and I just brroke it. :) that's how stupid I m

  13. Same here man
  14. lmao dumbass ahahahha
  15. second time i got high i was at ocean beach in san fran. my friend and i got the munchies so we decided to walk to seven eleven. and i had my backpack and towel laid out on the sand. my friend tried to pack it up before we left but since i was high i was like "no dude, fuck that. we gotta trust our fellow humans." so i left my all my shit on the beach.

    when we got back we were about 500 feet south of our original spot. i started to get hella paranoid and thought somebody took my backpack. i started to sprint up the beach and i saw these two people with a blue towel. and i thought "i cant believe those fuckers stole my towel". so i walked right up to them and grabbed their towel, yet right as i grabbed it i remembered the towel i brought to the beach was white. i freaked out and apologized and kept running up the beach and eventually found my backpack lol i felt so fuckin glad i didnt get beat up or anything
  16. This happened to me a while ago but I will never forget this because this was the first time this has happened to me while I was high. I was with 3 other friends chilling around one of my friends house and it was during the night time. We had just smoked 2 joints of something I don't remember but it was pretty good and we decided that we wanted to go eat at rubios. For those who don't know what Rubio's is, it is a mexican restaurant not a fancy restaurant just a regular one that serves mexican food. Well when we get there I was insanely blown out of my mind and my 3 friends ordered their foods first and when it was time for me to order, my eyes were red as fuck and I am pretty sure the girl who was taking my order was high if not then what I did next made sure she knew I was gone. When it was my time to order, I ordered some tacos I think and they asked me what kind of side I wanted and they named their sides and I SWEAR I either heard her say fries or she was fucking with me because she knew I was high and I told her that I wanted fries, and then she said that they don't serve fries here and I thought to myself wow I am fucking high as shit when I just ordered fries at a mexican restaurant lol. That was the stupidest thing I have ever done when I was high.

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