Stupid questions

Discussion in 'General' started by Hello there!, Jan 15, 2012.

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  1. Why are they met with such anger and negativity? People do stupid things and ask ignorant questions because they don't know any better. But instead of giving a helping hand, so many people respond with some cocky, degrading answer, which often includes an insult. WHY!? Why not just help them learn??

    I can understand if it's after repetitive stupid questions, but in most cases it's just asked/done once. I just don't understand why people feel the need to be so pissy when they know the answer to something someone else doesn't. And THAT pisses ME off!

    So GC, care to elaborate?

    And please don't give the standard 'ego' answer, I want specific reasons. I know a lot of us here do it, and I want to know what specifically makes you think "I'm going to put this person down."
  2. have you ever heard of the search button, OP? this has been answered a million times.
  3. When I was in the 8th grade I asked my physics teacher, "Can I ask a stupid question?"

    He replied, "No. There are no such things as stupid questions. But ask anyway."

    I took something from that wisdom. As you stated people ask because they don't know. They're only seeking knowledge.

    But I admit I've asked some retardedly stupid questions and have gotten snarky responses which have hurt my self image.

    Likewise though I've been the snarky asshole, and in hindsight I regret it.

    I'm still learning, and I try to keep that into perspective when answering other people's questions.
  4. Word, I live by that statement. And I believe it does hurt people's self image, which has a complete rebound effect in most cases. I just don't understand why people feel the need to continue the chain when they know how it feels.
  5. This is a common problem on all message boards / forums I am on. Ive came to the conclusion that people just like to feel tough on the internet.
  6. trolls trolling trolls, duh
  7. The reported post button is your friend you see someone attacking someone you report it you see someone insulting someone you reported it, what you do not do is make a thread whining about it in general!
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