Stupid Drug Dogs....

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tokeandontchoke, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. So this morning I woke up, got ready, grabbed my smokes and keys, and left for school. Well, I go to a small school so if locker searchers are gonna go down or drug dogs coming in, I will know the day before cause shit gets around.

    Well, today was a little different. The whole school went on lockdown for an hour as they had all students face the wall and have dogs walk by them twice to be sure. So me being the dumbass I am forgot I put a gram in the cellophane of a cig pack and slid it back on the bottom the day before. I remembered this as we lined up and I had the biggest " oh fuck..." Moment ever, and with the cigs in my hoodie pocket I just accepted it and said " fuck it, guess I could use a vacation".

    Haha, well the dog went by me both times and my mind was racing... should i say mega allergic to dogs, pet him to distract him, etc? As i was brainstorming the dog gets closer, i notice hes a pretty skiddish dog. Before the dog gets to smell me i sneeze super loud and scare the shit out of the dog. He jumped and looked at me, the. Moved on...genius idea.

    It turns out they busted like 20 people with bud and half had cigs on em too. Guess I got lucky... Anyone else ever beat a drug dog?
  2. WOW that is actually really epic. and stupid of the cops to have a dog like that hahahaha failurez...
  3. im pretty sure letting the dog come in contact with the students is illegal bro.. Last year when the drug dogs came they had a news story and shit about it because this is like the first year the district was ever using them, and they were saying they were gonna do it while the kids were in the class and do a lockdown, then search lockers and cars. They said they werent legally allowed to let the dogs sniff or even see the kids
  4. Wait, you can't even have tobacco at your school? The fuck?

    And yeah, you lucked out, bro. I'd be weary of bringing bud to school again if I were you.
  5. Really? Well maybe my rights were violated? Anyway, the pulled us out of class and lettuce dogs smell all around the room, our lockers, and the cars. Also, the dogs never touched me, and I figured it would be better not to touch the dogs. That's why did the sneeze.

    Oh, and some skid at my school got caught with 2 ounces in his trunk cuz he was a dealer. From what I heard every dog pretty much ran to his car and sat.. He's probably in some deep shit :0
  6. Hehe, auto correct said lettuce.
  7. Yeah, even though I'm 18 it can't be on school grounds if your enrolled as a student. Definently going to be more careful in the future, that shit had my heart pounding HARD. Especially since they had 4 dogs for one fucking class, and atleast 6 officers watching to make sure we didn't ditch anything.

    And to think, this is all over a harmless plant. You would think people would have more important things to do...

    You know, like prevent someone from being beaten and mugged instead i trying to catch a bunch of high school stoners with usually less than 2 grams on them. Way to go America, it's nice to see our tax money is used to prevent teens from making the most of their "wild" years before they have to buckle down and become a responsible adult who has done the same exact thing everyday for the last 20 years..

  8. that's lucky as fuck

  9. Damn. At my school the teachers and students take smoke breaks together. You have to go outside, obviously, but that's it.
  10. You shall be forever faithful to the Weed Gods.

    Honour them, with your stems, seeds and scraps.

  11. Lettuce dogs.

    Attached Files:

  12. Lettuce Turnip the Beet :D
  13. Wow epicly close call lol. And yeah im pretty sure what they did is highly illegal.

    At my high school, they would do a lockdown and only sniff out lockers/cars, they dogs werent allowed anywhere near the kids. Im sure a lot of parents would be pissed to hear that theyre kids were treated like that. Hopefully a lawyer parent hears about it soon and takes action against the school and police department. It wilk be easy to argue the safety of the students coming into contact with the dogs. But then again, if no one does anything soon, the school/PD can also argue that the dogs dont pose any threat to the safety of the kids, as they will have a lengthy streak of safe aearches, and i highly doubt one of the dogs would bite the kids.
  14. Those damn lettuce dogs, always sniffing out my stash for the fuzz.
  15. Yeah, defiently a close call. But I always keep my shit on me at all times. Just because it is a lot harder for them to search me then to search my car, locker, bags, etc. especially if the shits in my boxers...

  17. Hah, thanks for sharing your wisdom. :)
  18. Yeah, That's for sure against your rights. I would let someone know, Stupid pigs.
  19. I don't see how it was allowed I mean since your a student you complaint usually won't go to far but your parents should complain. It's one thing to search the lockers like let the dogs smell but you and every other student did nothing wrong you were trying to be in class. First off police dogs are trained to take down a suspect and find drugs in no way do I see that ok to be right behind a bunch of students who are probly mostly under 18 not even legal adults.

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