Majority Would Vote Against Obama - Hotline On Call Check the link? . . . When are people going to realize that a better America isn't gonna come from some guy they think they put in as President (they don't, electoral college does. Money does. Don't argue with me) and count on him/her to save the world? The truth is that money runs the modern world, not politicians. It's all a business and the goal is to profit. When the world's power of love > the love of power, then good things will happen. That or the whole human race dies out quickly. That's the only way to get world peace.
I've recently been questioning the logic behind entrusting one single person with an office that has acquired an arguable wealth of power over many people, power which continues to grow year by year at that. Yes we still have Congress, but the office of the president still retains a great deal of power, and it is nonsensical for me to accept that one single man has enough knowledge, wisdom and foresight on such a broad array of issues that are required to properly run a modern developed nation. And yes, the president also has a cabinet, but these advisers are almost always of the of the same mind as the president anyhow, and if they aren't they are either resigned and/or replaced. As for the comments on such ideas as world peace... I have trouble believe such universal world peace will ever be possible given human nature. It's a nice thought and all, but it doesn't seem especially attainable. Majority world peace seems like a more probable goal overall. Rather than striving for something as out of reach and uncontrollable as world peace, I would rather see such efforts diverted to the restoration, acknowledgment and respect of natural human rights. This alone would potentially bring about a great deal of peace as well as prosperity.
Don't blame all of us Americans for what our government does. Your theory is interesting, but time as you know it could reset your ass right now and none of us would be any the wiser.. or would we? Some things in life we just will not ever know the answers to. I'm american and not proud of it or anything but i figure its like getting a C on a test you didn't know anything about.. Could be better, could be worse.. not gunna worry about it.
A good point is made here, but without getting too off topic I just wanted to add that When are people going to realize that a better ___________ (America/Canada/Italy/World) isn't gonna come from some guy they think they put in as _______ (Prime Minister/King/Queen/President/Whatever) and count on him/her to save the world? So... basically, It's not just Americans who are stupid. But we can be pretty dumb sometimes.
It's something that I'm still thinking through, but I've recently had the notion that every single problem in America can be whittled down to a lack of education at it's core. My belief? Science will solve everything. EVERYTHING.
So for like the people in third world counties that are not only being taken advantaged of but enslaved or even killed off by there political leaders, What would you call them stupid or just fucked?
^ I would say they're fucked, basically. If their leaders are destroying them like that. However, in the case of America, I would say it's a good 50-50 balance of Stupid and Fucked. Maybe 55-45. "Stupifucked" if you will.
I don't quite get why America is being singled out as "stupid" Like no other country has a President? Does France put faith in Nicolas Sarckozy? Or Britan in Gordon Brown? If there is no one leader then we'd rely on congress. Congress is the one branch of our government i hate more than the Executive. Imagine if Congress needed to decide quickly to execute a counterstrike, or send rescue to another Katrina. You think they could do that without debating for two weeks and holding lock-outs? Even in Congress we have one leader for each house. Pelosi and Reid would be our leaders. Please kill me if that ever happens.
Im guessing your American by the way you typed that. You just further proved his point of Americans being stupid. (I have a feeling someone isn't 18 to type something with that many errors)