So, a few weeks ago a friend of mine asked my if I had ever stumbled. He asked if I had ever stumbled on the internet... I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. He introduced me to this very cool website, that I feel can be a good learning tool if applied properly. Plus, it's very entertaining. It's a site where you create an account (only takes 10 seconds,) then you select from a list of categories whichever ones interest you the most. Then, you click the "Stumble" button. And everytime you "stumble" it refreshes your browser with a new page that coincides with whatever categories you have deemed interesting. Then, you have a simple rating system, "I like it" or "I don't like it" and it starts to get a feel for whatever you like. I can "stumble" for hours on end discovering new sites and pages that I might not have ever discovered otherwise. I love at least 8 out 10 pages I "stumble" across... as pretty much everything you find suits your interests. It can become addicting. I think it could be a good learning jumpstart for people that just use the internet for entertainment, as it's entertaining and providing of knowledge at the same time. There's also a StumbleVideo for those who are more visual types. I don't know if this has been posted before, but I didn't see anything in my search... so hopefully this is news to some people. So, check it out and see what you guys think... I absolutely love it. But remember, it's what you make of it... you could set it up to drain your brain worse than television, or it could expand your "e-mind" like never before.
Stumbled upon this: Also found this, might make a thread on this one:
there are some threads on this already but I've found some GREAT sites through stumble upon. I've been using it for at least a year. It's fun to get blazed when your bored, then choose your topics and find awesome pages. It's the best add-on to firefox imo
+rep to whoever posted this. this thing is sweet. check out this music site, its wild.
I love StumbleUpon. I've been using it for a year or so now, and it is always my savior when I'm bored as hell on the internet.
That made being blazed at least four times better. +Rep I learned some shit about how drugs work, and had fun doing it. I felt bad that I made the stoner mouse drop his joint. I'd be pissed if I was just chillen with a J and some guy threw me in a box without my bud.
You change "Channels" on the Toolbar. The little globe switches you over to web pages. By the way, your signature is a George Carlin quote.