Studying High

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HongBongChina, May 29, 2014.

  1. I don't know if I'm the only one but I'm a sophomore in college and I feel like the only time my studying is effective is when I'm high anyone else have this?
  2. Yes

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  3. Complete opposite
  4. ehhh occasionally 
  5. I feel like it varies by the individual, if being studious is part if who you are and you have the will I think getting high and studying can go hand in hand. But for me, a procrastinator, getting high make things take 3x as long.

    Don't forget your hippocampus is affected when you're high so your memorizing skills should actually be worsened. Since you're less likely to remember what you read a minute ago, studying I'd say, should be kept a sober activity.
  6. I cant focus on studying high. But i can take tests blazed out of my mind and feel like a fucking genius. And score like a fucking genius haha

    Sent from inside a kangaroo's pouch
  7. Definitely not. I don't remember or understand anything when I'm trying to study stoned
  8. I did this for my exams! helped a lot!

    Made boring subjects more vibrant and exciting! (and that shit helps a LOT)

    Used it for studying AND exam taking :)
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  9. I can do homework sometimes a little buzzed, like a couple bong rips but I have to be completely sober to study. That is except for certain unmentionable study aids

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