Students for Sensible Drug Policy's International Conference is the largest gathering of students and youth from around the world who are working to end the failed War on Drugs. This year's conference will take place in San Francisco, a city at the forefront of sensible drug policies. On March 12-14th, hundreds of students will convene at the beautiful Fort Mason Center, which boasts stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge and other historic landmarks. As attendees gaze across the bay at Alcatraz, the infamous island prison that once housed prohibition-era gangster Al Capone, they will learn about modern day drug prohibition and its effects on our society. Not only will SSDP members, alumni, and supporters hear from prominent leaders and experts in the drug policy reform movement, they will also participate in workshops to hone their advocacy skills, work with our Board of Directors to craft our national organizational agenda, and network with each other at fun social events and concerts! Capacity is limited. So are scholarships, which we will be offering to offset the cost of travel and lodging for students. As always, we will work to keep registration costs as low as possible so that students can afford to attend. We're also giving away travel and lodging scholarships, so click here to find out how to sponsor a student or apply for a scholarship. See you in San Francisco!
I personally don't support the SSDP. I don't believe in the legalization or decriminilization of all drugs. The war on drugs isn't a war on drugs at's a war on weed. Most of the money for the drug war goes to marijuana anyway. The "war on drugs" may be slightly more successful if the cops finally had something better to do with their time than look for MJ smokers.
Then you have a misunderstanding of SSDP. SSDP is built up of students who want to discuss various different aspects of drug policy. Its for students interested in lobbying, policy, activism, and debate. SSDP's chapters and members are autonomous. Some members think all drugs should be legalized, some are for only marijuana legalization. Others don't work on marijuana issues and are instead changing policies on their campuses. SSDP has implemented over 16 Good Samaritan Policies on college campuses over the last 2 years. You're right. The War on Drugs isn't a war on drugs at all. But its not a war on weed either. Its a War on People. And that's what needs to stop.
SSDP? On GC? Mind....BLOWN! It's a civil war, really. It's the drug users versus the establishment. It's a war we CAN and WILL win!
This is going to be our most inspiring and ambitious conference to date. Anyone who wants to learn everything about reforming marijuana policies and activism should attend. Registration is less expensive than most conferences. Students can register for $50 if they do so before Saturday: SSDP's International Conference: Mar 12-14, San Francisco We'll also have social networking events where you'll meet hundreds of other activists. Roots of Creation will be playing our Saturday night benefit party. All other drug policy reform organizations will be present: Americans for Safe Access NORML Marijuana Policy Project Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Drug Policy Alliance MAPS DanceSafe SAFER and others.