[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw0FlGmuibw"]YouTube - Student Shot By Cops For Smoking Marijuana[/ame]
They had obtained a search warrant to look for narcotics, state police said. They were entering about 9 p.m. Wednesday through the rear sliding door when the deputy, whose name was not released, fired one shot, police said. That deputy is on paid administrative leave pending the investigation. Police would not say what kinds of drugs they were looking for or whether they found any evidence of narcotics in the apartment. Copp has not been arrested, nor is there a police guard outside his hospital room. They said they don't know whether the deputy felt threatened by Copp, who lived in the apartment.
Dude, uh did u look at the date? This happened way back in march last year. I remember watching that video way back then actually. I probably even heard about it through this forum. So lame that cops get paid leave when they fuck up this bad. I wanna find this dudes youtube channel. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIQNcJnPPSk"]YouTube- Derek Copp Speaks[/ame]
Yeah sorry man, never saw it before and didn't see it on the forums. Thanks for the update video though!
I'm glad he was ok. It's sad to see these sorts of incidents become more common. We are infinitely overdue for legalization. We must stop these federally paid criminals.
Evidence that the shooting was Cannabis related: Grand Valley shooting case concludes - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel Final Chapter Written in GVSU Drug Bust Shooting - 1450 WHTC
This is fucking outrageous, fucking piece of shit cops. Keep in mind it's always shitty local police that pull crap like this. I mean not even a fucking phone call to the parents. Fucking disgraceful to the (few) good cops out there and American policing.