I love my 2.25" Mendo of over 20 years but due to abuse and flooding, etc, the Kief collector is stuck. How to free it?
2 days in the alcohol. No change. I guess vice and monkey wrench option is in order. Happy New Year to you!
If it's all metal put in the Oven at 250 for 20 minutes and it should loosen. Wear gloves as it will be a bit to warm to do bare handed. Shouldn't need to vice and pipe wrench as they will scar it. The other trick is wrapping each half in a fabric belt like the straps on your tie-downs. Grab each set of tails with pliers and start winding in opposite directions. This works for unscrewing a wide range of things like the stuck light bulb in the fridge you can't get a grip on and you just know is going to shatter in your hand. BNW