Stress can adversely affect the genetic makeup in your body; the mind can positively or negatively a

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by myartspeace, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. ; the mind can positively or negatively affect DNA.

    Mental and emotional stress affects every cell in the body

    Stress is the silent killer.

    One of the fastest and easiest to feel, method to counteract stress, comes from a natural reaction that our physical body has to us having consistent/strong enough positive thoughts, whether from positive memories, thanking God, thinking about your future plans, someone you love, inspiring or moving moments in life/movies/songs.

    This method is through the self-induced positive goosebumps.

    Really consider the fact that from just thinking certain positive thoughts your whole physical body can get chills all over it or just in certain locations (for now).

    If you take time to notice you will find that your self-induced positive chills have an accompanying sort of wave underneath your skin (sometimes cold and other times hot). After researching what that specific current underneath the skin is I came across a sort of energy we have that is tied to our spirit.

    Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on and those are exactly the people you can find on the reddit community r/Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on how-to induce it.

    This blissful wave you feel with your goosebumps is your spiritual energy that comes from your energetic (spiritual) body. Goosebumps can come from a list of reasons , but the one that is a bridge to your Spiritual Energy is when you have the occurrence of that ecstatic energy flowing in you.

    This energy has been researched and coumented under many names like Euphoria, Tension, Ecstasy Prana, Chi, Qi, Vayus, Aura, Tummo, Orgone, Kriyas, Mana, Bio-electricity, Life force, Pitī, Frisson, The Secret Fire, Voluntary Piloerection, Rapture, Ruah, Ether, Nephesch, Chills, ASMR, Nen, Spiritual Energy, The Force, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.

    Now consider this. By learning how-to induce that feel good occurrence at will like many of us have already done, you definitely can also use it to counteract feelings of stress.

    Here's a talking more in-depth about this, if you're interested.
  2. This should be in High Ideas instead of Science and Nature.
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