Stray Golf Balls..........

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SpaceNuggets, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Was skating a spot today at this school which is next to s major road and directly across from a golf course. Anyways was chill'n catching my breath, when a fucking golf ball just smacks this tree literally right next to me (enough to make me flinch) but then bounced off the tree directly into a windshield of a passing car...i kind just stood there, like wo, that was is pretty random:bongin:
  2. crazy things always seem to happen to me when im skating man.

    i love it.
    stray golf balls flying around would freak me out a little bit though
  3. My dad worked for a company and they liked to golf. So he was with some coworkers at the local golf course and there is a hole that you have to hit the ball across a canal/stream. Well one guy whacks a ball and it takes a crazy curve and disappears into the stream which the sides were about 10 ft deep so you couldn't see in. They went to go find his ball and move on but when they got down there they found a guy knocked out by the golf ball and bleeding :eek: Turns out it was a mentally challenged guy that would go and collect lost balls and sell em. I felt bad when i heard it but i lol'ed hard.
  4. One time my brother, a couple of his friends and I went to the driving range. This place was in the most awkward place ever. The road leading up to this place forked. So the shape of the range was pretty much a triangle.

    I don't remember who it was but one of us hit a really nice swing. The ball went wayyyy to the left. You could tell it was going into the road. As we were watching the ball fly through the air a red convertible car was driving down the road. I was almost 100% certain the ball was gonna nail this car.

    It landed about 10 feet behind him and in the next lane. Would have been the greatest thing I witnessed in my life if the shot was 2 seconds earlier and had hit the guy.
  5. Haha i used to go golfing with my dad and there was this one holen parellel to the road andit was literally right next to the road,idk who designed this course but they must have been retarted because there was I net or anything to catch stray balls. Well I was taking my shot and it hooks to the left of course and this car is driving down the road and the ball bounces right in front of the car barley missing it and the dude drives past us blaring his horn hahahahahah
  6. you should bruise yourself and then bitch them out and threaten a lawsuit for getting hit with a stray ball. you'll only drop it if they grant you free entry/balls/clubs to the driving range

    I dunno about you guys, but to just smack the shit out of a ball with a driver is a very therapeutic sensation
  7. just think man, you weren't nothing but a stray golf ball hitting the windshield of your mothers egg, coming from the golfballs of your dad
    woah :bongin:
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  8. Just don't get your balls stuck in a whale.

  9. bahaha, holy shit dark waves! thts crazy..........funny thing is i work at golf course spring-fall and never had a close call.........smokey thank your for your wisdom man
  10. Im only here to enlighten :smoking:
  11. Love golf, especially, when you hit some skater's with a ball
  12. No you thru the ball at the car for honking at a 25yo pretending to be 18yo

    tell the truth!

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