Anyone else tried them? If so what you think? I have found them hard to locate only certain gas stations sell them around here.
theyre ok...for blunt making I prefer swisher sweet "cigarillos"... but strawberry phillys are a nice smoke. Most head shops around here are the main vendors of cigars like those..because in all honesty...only pot heads and a rare percentage of people smoke those. you'll never find philly's or sweets in a half decent cigar shop, and being a cigar smoker, I can tell you that they dont come close to being half as decent smokes as "real" cigars are...IMO
the honey ones are the best. being from near philly (woohoo!), most gas stations, and all tobacco stores carry 'em... usually in berries, chocolate, or honey. if you take a trip to the city (not grasscity, philly, lol), you can get chronic flavored ones. haven't tried those, but the chocolate and honey ones are definately my faves.