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Strangest place you've ever found a plant growing?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ThEbLuEMaGoO, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Occasionally I see posts about people just stumbling upon a growing plant, Usually it's someones highdea to plant a seed while smoking in the woods come to life, or they remember flicking a joint into the garden in may and when they look theres a pretty little girl halfway through flower. Just curious to see where you guys have found them. :smoke:
  2. I actually found a plant a couple years back when I first started smoking. It was outside my 2nd floor bathroom window that I used to smoke out of. Was putting on my boots and looked to my right, and there was a pretty well established little plant. Being so uneducated in cultivation back then I killed it pretty quick when I tried to move it lol.
  3. im yet to stumble upon a little lady..haha but ill keep my hopes up :smoke:
  4. i got like a quarter of mids so i through all 20 or so seeds out my window... i hope they come up ill just grow them for shits and giggles
  5. Back in he day my dad used to smoke in his car wound toss all his seeds on the ground. One day he left the car windows open in the rain. A couple days later he came out to a bunch of baby pot plants growing out of the floormat!
  6. [quote name='"mjmama25"']Back in he day my dad used to smoke in his car wound toss all his seeds on the ground. One day he left the car windows open in the rain. A couple days later he came out to a bunch of baby pot plants growing out of the floormat![/quote]

    How did the car grow go? Or did they hermie from the harsh conditions :p
  7. Out the front of a police station... a little practical joke from my friend there.
  8. Probably the last place they would be looking, I would have went in there and called them out on it hahaha.

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