Strangest food creation while munching?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by S0BE, May 10, 2010.

  1. Whats the wierdest thing youve eaten while munching? Like a weird combination of food, or just really weird things you ate cause you were hungry?

    The weirdest thing for me was probably dipping my PBJ in ice cream. I set my PBJ on the bowl of ice cream, just to carry it easier. The PBJ ended up getting some ice cream on it, and i thought it was good, so i proceeded to dip my PBJ in the ice cream.
  2. A common weird food for me is White bread dipped in bacon fat. It only tastes amazing when i'm really stoned:D

    but the weirdest..., One time I made sandwich that consisted of: White bread, peanut butter, pepperoni, mayo, cold chicken nuggets, skittles, some bud, one reese butter cup, and couple of shakes of every spice in my spice cabinet ( I really though it would taste really good.) and topped off with just about every topping / condemnate in my fridge.

    It had a strange spicy, soupy, salty/sweet greasy flavor that I think was the most unique flavor I have ever eaten.

    I was really high though, so just about anything tasted good.
    I had some stomach problems the next day.
  3. Lesson: dont bring new stoners to your house, this is what they come up with

    Get a bag of pop-tarts(2) preferably the cinnamon ones

    Apply peanut butter to the top (frosted) side of the pop-tarts

    Then sprinkle, or dump chocolate chips on to the peanut butter

    Right before putting the sandwich together, comes the best part


    honestly id like to see something top that
  4. jelly and rice krispy sandwich
  5. Some friends of mine had chocolate chip cookies and were puttin and dipping the cookies in nacho cheese. Lol that just sounds nasty.
  6. i usually never eat when smokin but for some reason this one night i was really hungry and i couldnt find anything good to eat so i ate a whole loaf of bread. it was kinda hard to explain to my parents the next day lol
  7. I don't know about you guys, but that sounds pretty delicious :D
  8. mines pretty originial, but the way i made it was new to me.
    I took a bag of those lil pretzle sticks, and I had a pile of peanut butter and another bowl of chocolate chips.
    I would take a pretzle stick dip it in the peanut butter and then lightly roll it in the chocolate chips, and i was suprised as to how easily the chocolate stuck to the peanut butter.
    I was so amazed that I wrote down the recipe and how to eat it (for fear i wouldnt remember it in the morning)
  9. this is isn't really weird but it's good as shit:

    1. make ramen (chicken flavor)
    2. drain the broth and put the noodles in a separate bowl (get it? bowl)
    3. put a couple of slices of american cheese on the noodles
    4. put it in the microwave for like a minute and take it out when the chese is melted
    5. decorate with pieces of roasted chicken

    it's delicious
  10. My craziest combination has been to take two Ritz crackers (the circlular ones) and make a sandwich with a totinos pizza roll of your choosing... Just eat it all at once and its the weirdest texture feeling in the world when your baked...:smoking:
  11. I've done some pretty gross foods, but i can't remember of any good ones as of late. D:
  12. just the other day i was opening up mint oreos and putting texas pete hotsauce on them and wolfing them down.
    it was actually really good, it had a nice balance of mintyness, spiceyness, and sweetness.
  13. [​IMG]

    you KNOW a stoner came up with this idea. hahahahaha:D

  14. DUDE NO WAY I DO THE SAME THING LOL =D But put the broth in a cup and just sip on it, its really good together with the cheese ramen
  15. DookieBeanz, not entirely sure about that... but a stoner DEFINITELY made this.

    Best thing I've ever come up with baked? a McSlutFuck/Double McSlutFuck.

    Get 1 (or 2) apple pie(s), and an oreo mcflurry. Mix apple pies into oreo mcflurry. Enjoy.
  16. Squirrel.
    Smoking in the woods, one thing led to another and...
  17. melted ice cream and honey nut cheerios, ...and thats why i always smoke when i'm hungover
  18. The other night I put tapatio (hot sauce) on popcorn, sooo delicious
    or pizza pocket and stuff it with coco puffs
    make pancakes and put a sandwich between 2 of em and put syrup
  19. what the fuck mate?
  20. "but the weirdest..., One time I made sandwich that consisted of: White bread, peanut butter, pepperoni, mayo, cold chicken nuggets, skittles, some bud, one reese butter cup, and couple of shakes of every spice in my spice cabinet ( I really though it would taste really good.) and topped off with just about every topping / condemnate in my fridge."

    i just threw up a little.

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