Strain Hunters!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by greengrow3, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. I think this belongs in general. Or seed banks. Prolly not pandora
  2. seen the whole episode... very nice thank you
  3. How does it not belong in Pandora????? everything is in pandora! Its Mo Fuggin Pandoras Box!!!! You never know whats inside lol
  4. thanks, I've never seen that one. Once I get some more bud I'll be sure to sit down and watch it.
  5. fuck ya its the best thing to watch stoooned lol
  6. That is the most hash I've ever seen, ever.
  7. i guess... its just not controversial. at all. sorry to rain on your parade tho dude
  8. all i can think is: "let me work for these poor farmers, they can pay me in hash" LOL
  9. Haha i know the hash look so dank
  10. Never seen Strain Hunters before.

    Must say it was really good.
  11. I like how they have been growing morrocan strains for thousands of years!
  12. Strain Hunters Needs a New Episode!

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