Strain growing methods

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ProtaJ, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. I have a lot of questions regarding different strains. I plan on having these veg for 2 months then flower for about 2 months. They will be in soilless mix. With 600w lights in each stage.

    My first question is if anyone has any growing tips on OG Kush?

    if so what yielded the beat. top, fim, LST. And in what combination?

    How much nutrients can she handle. Light, med, heavy?
  2. If you're growing from clone, you may be able to find some information on some other websites.

    If you're growing from a seed, you'll pretty much have to figure it out yourself. Considering seeds have the chance to become one of many different phenotypes within the OG Kush Genotype.
  3. Thank you! In growing from seed so we will have to wait and see

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