Stories of crazy gf/ex gf

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sourkush420, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. I got a lot of crazy shit that cant be topped, from a now ex gf almost getting me arrested, threatening to kill herself when we fight, and so on, i wanna hear what you guys got ill post some stories after
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  2. I had a cokehead gf years ago. Lots of great sex, but the downside was she stole money, stalked me and broke into my apartment one night to wait for me to come home.

    I ended up quitting my job, no notice, packing up my place, and moving 3 states away without telling anyone.
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  3. You win.

    End thread .

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  4. Lol daaaaamn, you, win the commitment to break up award

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  5. #5 Michio Kaku, Aug 18, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
    Only had one girlfriend when I was 16.
    Nearly 21 now, and still ugly.
    Looking forward to a lonely life.
  6. My last ex bounced out on me and left me holding the lease on our apartment. Three months later she called me fucked up from a sketchy party begging me to come rescue her because she was afraid of passing out and being sexually assaulted. I did it, but I had a long talk with her father advising him to send her to rehab. He didn't and I hear that she's a full blown junky now. So it goes.
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  7. I dated a Mormon once
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  8. i don't even know where to begin with that bitch. i could write a book. lol
  9. Completely off topic but I just read the slaughterhouse 5 haha

    None of mine have been too crazy but I'll tell you the "I'm gonna kill myself" in an argument seems to be almost universal among women
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  10. I'm just now getting out of a 10 year relationship, 2 of which have been in marriage. She is stubbornly anti-marijuana, and I was always a pot head but had to hide it, and was made to feel bad for enjoying smoking marijuana. The emotional damage this brought on was beyond anything I could write in a forum post.

    And that's crazy, of me, to stay so long when I clearly had to just stay true to marijuana, which never mistreated me in my entire life.
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  11. Met a crazy bitch on tinder once, threatened to kill herself an shit over a text to me. Called the cops, gave them her address and went on my way. Ain't got time for no crazy bitches.

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  12. My ex-fiance is a psycho-bitch...

    One time, we were driving back to her moms house. She said she wanted to get food...I told her no because her mom was making food. It would be rude to eat before...

    Next thing I pass door opens while im driving like 60 mph and she tries to jump out because she is so upset...I literally had to steer with my knees while I held on to her with my arms so she didn't kill her stupid ass.

    She did stupid shit like that all the time...and I had been trying to help her since she had some issues...but that incident was more than I could handle.

    I realized that I needed to delete her from my life, dropped her off at her moms and and broke up with her right in front of parents.

    No regrets, fuck that shit.

    P.S. for all you guys who date psycho is always amazing but eventually you will realize they are not worth the booty...psycho-bitches are supposed to be one-hitter-quitters ONLY.
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  13. I married one of the craziest chics that ever walked the earth. Last I knew she was on her way to prison on drug charges. I got custody years ago. Haven't seen her since.....they might be bat shit looney, but We're the dummies who voluntarily get with them over a piece of ass.

    The final thing she did was the weekend after I had her divorce papers served. She showed up at my house all sorts of crazy and fkd up. Hadn't seen her in a couple months. She comes stomping in my house, fortunetly the kids were gone. It was a cold snowy Sunday I was watching football. She started in with the I'm sorry bs. Let's fix this...bla bla bla. I gave no ground, just said no its over and started walking her towards the kitchen door. She was trying to make sexual advances, play the sympathetic wife part, the feel sorry for her crap. She tried everything. I just kept walking her towards the door. She started smacking me and crying. Her bad choices had whittled her down to probably under 100lbs so it's not like it hurt. Turned my head away, just kept trying to get her to the door. Passed the stove in the kitchen almost to the door, the crying and smacking stopped. I turned my head back to say my last good bye and whack she picked up the metal grate off the gas stove and knocked out 4 of my top front teeth. Shattered like glass. She just kept yelling you love me you love me. Swinging the stove grate around with this crazy ass look on her face.

    Fortunetly for me I walked out the door. winter time, freezing fn cold, exposed nerves in my teeth kicking in, sat on the cable box bleeding like a stuck pig. Snow was all red. My neighbor is a cop, he came outside. Other cops showed up. She locked herself in the bathroom and kept yelling that i loved her. They finally got her cuffed and carried her out. She was still yelling at them he loves me he loves me. My neighbor/cop turns to me and asks do you still love her?...even though it hurt like a mother fkr we both just busted up laughing.

    That was the last dealing I had with her. She didn't even show up for the divorce and custody hearings. I got implants for the busted teeth, life goes on. I was told a story a few years ago she wrecked some dudes 4wheeler and he kicked her in the head a few times knocking out some of her teeth. Karmas a bitch.
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  14. First off I should say I kinda off in the head my self
    So I dated a crazy chick once she flat out told me she was bipolar schizophrenia and was depressed to bad it went in one hear n out the other...anywho one day we get into bout a txt from a ex on my fone. so she's Flippen out I'm like I think I should go this mofo barricaded the exit with herself I'm like can you move she goes if you leave I'll cut myself I be damned she cut her her wrist twice as if the first wasn't deep nuff so there I was at the house ready to jet but her kids jus witnessing there ma bleed out I had to stick round till the ambulance came they took her to mental hospital story goes on n on I gotta say tho that vagina was bomb she was one them gals you gotta bring extra clothes ÇuZ I got soaked every time gotta luv the squirters anyone else second that
  15. Same here. Lol don't worry just get ripped

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  16. Don't waste your time trying it's not worth it. Fuck em don't date em

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  17. That was a horrible sorry bro and no I wouldn't second a squirting bitch when she about lays herself out in front of her kids like that. Fuck no.

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  18. your absolutely rite I was on the verge of loosin my mind thankfully that's all behind me now all I care bout is the garden
  19. Abazaba you my only friend
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