Stop calling it Sativa

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Brother Urb, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. #1 Brother Urb, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2015
    It's 2015. Let's stop calling it sativa and start calling it what it is. Sativa is hemp. We don't smoke sativa. Spread the word. [​IMG]


    Exhibit A: Narrow-leaf drug variety or NLD - Cannabis indica subspecies indica - equatorial in nature and flowering for usually more than 10/11 weeks. Incorrectly called "Sativa" before the release of Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany


    Exhibit B: Broad-leaf drug variety or BLD - Cannabis indica subspecies afghanica - northern temperate and flowering for less than 10 weeks. Correctly called "Indica" and now referred to as a broad-leaf drug variety. Robert C. Clarke author of Marijuana Botany, HASHISH! and more recently: Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany


  2. Hmm interesting...

    Lol back in Iowa we got a lot of bunk weed that looked really good but just wasn't cured right and didn't meet it's full potential...

    ...we called it "pretendica"


  3. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? On a mainstream level! [​IMG]
  4. It'll take a looooooooooooong time but it can be done. Especially if people spread the word and come correct. [​IMG]

  5. What are you, a communist? Lol
  6. Maybe. Maybe not. [​IMG]

    but what that got to do with taxonomy?

  7. Lol well what does it matter to you that it's call sativa? Your trying to change the way people classify the sativa plant? So tell, what's it really called?
  8. I'm not trying to change the way people classify. Rob Clarke is. I'm just spreading the word. [​IMG]

    if you actually read the post you'd see what it's called.

  9. I don't think that explains it clearly enough to catch on.

    So Cannabis Sativa is hemp only?

    and Cannabis Indica is what gets you high but comes in narrow leaf and broad leaf?

    What should we call bud we used to call sativa?
  10. So he wants to call it indica?
  11. #12 Brother Urb, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2015
    Yep you got it right.

    What should we call bud we used to call sativa? Indica or NLD or equatorial

    What should we call bud we used to call indica? It's still called indica but calling it Afghani or Afghanica would make more sense and clear up a lot of confusion.
  12. Why can't hemp be called hemp, and sativa be called sativa? Why not change how we used to classify it so that it matches up with what we commonly refer it to now? Calling both indica sounds less alluring.
  13. What do you mean? Hemp is Cannabis sativa. How could hemp be called hemp and sativa be called sativa when it's the same thing?

    and everything we smoke is Cannabis indica ssp. indica or Cannabis indica ssp. afghanica, so why would we call it sativa? Does that mean we want to be smoking hemp?

  14. So why did they call sativa, sativa?
  15. Because there is a clear difference between indica, sativa, and hemp. ^^^^ those guys just dnt get it. thats all.
  16. That question would be answered by watching the video.

    Those guys? [​IMG]

    you crack me up dude.
  17. Sativum, Sativus, and Sativa are Latin botanical adjectives meaning cultivated, used to designate certain seed-grown domestic crops.

    Sativa (ending in -a) is the feminine form of the adjective, but masculine (-us) and neuter (-um) endings are also used to agree with the gender of the nouns they modify. For example, the masculine Crocus sativus and neuter Pisum sativum.

    Examples of crops incorporating this word and its variations into their Latin name include:

    Daucus carota subsp. sativus, the carrot, a plant species
    Avena sativa, the common oat.
    Oryza sativa, rice.
    Cannabis sativa, one of two forms of widely consumed cannabis.
    Medicago sativa, alfalfa.
    Castanea sativa, sweet chestnut.
  18. #19 Brother Urb, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2015
    nice information but what's that got to do with the taxonomic classification of cannabis indica and cannabis sativa?

    the whole point of this is that we don't smoke sativa, yet everyone calls their equatorial varieties or NLD's sativa.

  19. Indica is classical Greek and Latin for "of India". It (therefore) is used to mean various India-related things.

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