
Discussion in 'General' started by HerbIsGood, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. You're OP made you come across as a complete douche bag and for that reason I didn't bother reading anything else you had to say.
  2. Well jimmy page is a sloppy guitarist :p

    I do like Zeppelin though.
  3. you gotta chill man. Just because people are different than you doesn't mean that how they do things is "wrong". You have to learn to accept the way people are because they aren't going to change.
  4. If you let the stupidity of other people make you quit smoking, then you my friend, are stupid.

    People like you are the rare ones but it doesn't give you the right to look down on others who don't see things the way you do. Keep calm and carry on.

    In closing, keep smoking and being the productive person you are and maybe someday you'll come across someone who sees thing the way you do
  5. You have to understand that some people are influenced a lot by other people, which is kind of how stoners originated. You see, when a group of idiots decide to try a certain drug together, it forms a pact that they always sense is in a present form within them. They then escalate to doing such things that amuse themselves in a way that amuses the idiot, stoner peers that they hang out with.

    I know how you feel, when you pretend you're hanging out with these stoner idiots, when deep down you know that you're just examining them, zoning out while you watch these annoying animals act towards each other, let alone society.

    There's nothing much you can do, just make sure you do not become like them. The world does not need more of them!
  6. Typical pretentious smoker who is deluded into thinking he is better than everyone. If you were soo enlightened you would be less judgmental and more accepting. What are you contributing to society yourself anyways?
  7. I'm the guy who's always talkin shit to my buddies when they wanna be lazy stoners....I love to get out and do things while I'm high,and I can't stand when call of duty is the highlight of the night....good post man dont worry you're not alone you just need to get outside your zone of friends

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