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Stoner Lingo

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by insertswearqord, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. This thread is not really meant to clear up ambiguity on terms we all know, like the infamous interchangeable terms spoof and sploof, but more to share the unique stoner vocabulary of your neighbourhood, city, province whatever. After all we are basically a multinational conglomerate of stoners here on GC, we ought a be able to share and express our culture. If someone says something you find Interesting or funny, share your new found dope lingo with your local buds, and help to create one big stinky, red eyed, hungry melting pot!

    If you don't want to share too much of your location, just say your province or state or whatever. If you don't want even that than just go fully anon in that department.

    Ill begin, living on Prince Edward Island and having some experience with stoners from other provinces should make some of mine interesting.

    We call hash tokes, more specifically out of a plastic bottle, "hoots." We did this a lot when we were younger, now most just call them tokes. "BT's" is just another way to say bottle tokes. If you haven't already guessed frying bottle tokes is probably the most popular method of hash smokers here.

    My friends and I thought we were the first to know about poppers, the method of packing a little tobacco then dabbing up grinded weed and smoking it out of a bottle or bong. Little did we know we were just calling them by a different name! A friend of ours from Ontario ( whose initials happen to BT, lol ) introduced us to poppers with the name "scoots." Much in the same way that poppers are named for the audible "pop" the tube makes when it clears, scoots are name for the fact that the weed "scoots" it's way down the tube. Another name I've heard for poppers locally is "Yetis" as a popper tends to produce a lot of bright white smoke. In addition to a different name, BT showed us how to use a glass tube instead of a metal one, which I still prefer.

    There's a huge difference in local accents and terms here even from town to town. One of my friends told me of "Conway Speak," which is mostly gibberish but some of it has a meaning. "Do spunk" means what are you doing. "Do spunk up in dere (there) spunk" means what are you doing there. More dope centred Conway Speak would be "Gash." Gash was a kind of chemical hash ( battery acid, yummy ) we had on the island for a while and was used when referring to any kind of hash. Many said it was named for the little redneck village Miminegash that has quite a lot if stoners. My friend used to ask people if they were "good for Gash" when looking for some. Although you don't hear it much some people still say stuff like this, and my buddy will use it to freak me out when I'm high.

    That's all from me. Share some of your own lingo here GC, and well all learn some new words
  2. Tubular!

    Omega369 :wave:

  3. Except you shouldn't be getting your pets high.
  4. Latin lingo baby

  5. I think the bit where he told you the dog was talking showed you it was a joke, otherwise yeah don't get your pets high thats phucked up
  6. On another Scooby-Doo related note, who calls the little burnt bits of weed you accidentally inhale "scooby snacks?"
  7. Well I just moved out of Florida US
    Kryp or crip idk it's like beasters I would say just between highs and mids
    I can't think of any other ones
    I moved to Uruguay 9 months ago and some terms are
    Un veinticinco-25 grams of bud. I haven't been here that long so idk any other terms
  8. I call that getting shit on. I've had a whole bowl of burnt weed shoot down my throat.
  9. Joints
    UK resident - weed and tobacco.
    US resident - weed in papers
  10. Lol very true here too people always to that same even with bong rips

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