stoner acceptance

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by addictedtoweed, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Have you noticed how alot of people who smoke respect the people who don't smoke. However, I have noticed that alot of people that don't smoke are very disrespectful to those who do smoke.

    What I am asking is: why is there this respect of beliefs from one group of people towards another that does not reciprocate?

    (sometimes this idea can be applied to religion and other beliefs but usually with much less accuracy and we're all stoners here)
  2. Because of your username.

  3. I think u thinking to hard. That doesint apply to everyone, everyone is different. I think
  4. It's not always the case. For example, the area I live in is pretty tolerant. The majority of people I've met here who don't smoke usually don't care about it. Two of my real good friends don't smoke.
  5. well my username is a joke about these same people i am talking about. someone said that i was addicted to weed so i laughed and made it my username.

    and i know it is a generalization but have you not noticed this yourself?
  6. now that u mention it, i agree. stoners give respect but dont get any back
  7. I feel what you said applies to me but I know that I can say that I have friends(smokers and non-smokers) that this doesn't apply to.
  8. #8 xaviere, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2009
    Because of fear and ignorance!

    Seriously, I have met SO MANY goddamned people who think that cannabis is the devil. :mad:

    Actually, I was at a party recently, and this woman with glaucoma started talking all kinds of shit about weed (WTF?). Again, that disdainful attitude you mentioned. But I stayed calm, and calmly explained "what I've heard about medical marijuana," as well as a little about cannabinoids and endocannabinoids and some of the recent research I've read, as well as some anecdotal evidence from "people I know" who have successfully managed serious health conditions with our lovely Mary Jane.

    It was really interesting to hear her perspectives, and I was psyched to be able to educate her. For example, I told her about a friend of mine who is a Korean War veteran who is a MMJ patient, and that he has found great pain relief through edibles. I explained how the edibles worked, and the fact that he was able to greatly cut down on opioid pain medications as a result of his MMJ use. I also told her that some patients choose to smoke it, some consume it through edibles, and I also explained vaporizing to her, LOL.

    Sadly, a lot of people associate cannabis with all the Reefer Madness bullshit (laziness, sloth, crime, insanity, the whole bit). Education.
  9. OP, I see what you mean.

    Examine those who dont accept marijuana, or "hate" it and regard it as a drug in the same class as heroin, cocaine, meth, etc..

    I think you are talking about the people who dont mind others using it, but dont enjoy it themselves. Most of them have probably smoked before also.

    You could divide this even further.
  10. i just have to say that i am a stoner and dont like people who like to get drunk. i am just being honest
  11. I hate to say it, but I completely disagree. I have often found myself disrespected by other marijuana-consumers because of my choices and beliefs which do not relate to marijuana.

    The main point of contention is simply this: I buy into mainstream society.

    On this very message board I have taken flak for this.

    Some people out there really enjoy mainstream society, they enjoy working hard for money, and they enjoy consuming the fruits of their labor. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. If I'm good at "the game" why wouldn't I want to play it?

    Nonetheless, working in business administration, in the field of law, or God help you, as a security guard, will frequently get you ridiculed and derided by marijuana enthusiasts.

    Now, I've always viewed this as mutual. Mainstream society publishes propaganda about "stoners" and so its' looked down upon by the people here in return.

    But please don't be confused about this: it IS looked down upon. I have never seen consumerism respected here, and I doubt I ever will.
  12. i think certain personality types (if you need reference - can't accept that their small minded views are wrong. mainly extroverted/feeling types.

    i've noticed more than ever before that marijuana is talked about pretty openly especially in college, even with the teachers, but you will always have people that just can't change their fucking minds. its taken me years to get one of my closest friends to become more open minded about weed. its amazing how people believe the stereotypes they are raised in.

    What I like to say is- Fuck ignorant sober people,

    i think it's always good to have arguments on the subject just so you can get some ideas in their heads and maybe when they are by themselves late at night the thought that their preconcieved notions might actually be wrong could start to trip them out even if they wont admit it to you.

  13. In my experience it's not so clear cut...I have some friends who smoke and look down on people who don't smoke or won't try it. I don't really understand why, but they can be downright dicks to non-smokers.

  14. i have seen this too and maybe that is part of the problem, i think it comes with being in a counter culture. i am probably guilty of being a dick in the past to people that listen to mainstream pop music

    i think as Cannabis smokers many of us have to deal with so much propaganda and ridicule that it gets fucking annoying after awhile and maybe people lost patience with the anti-crowd. Personally i think it's worth the time to educate people that are open minded and haven't been enlightened to the truth, but i don't see a problem with ignoring or giving karma to the close minded ignorant people :devious:

  15. Deffinitly not clear cut but I agree w/ the majority of non smokers give smokers shit a lot more than smokers do non smokers.
  16. speaking for myself i can say that i have no problem with consumerism, or any belief in the entire world for that matter. What i do have problems with however, is people, who for whatever reason "can't accept that their small minded views are wrong." as skatealex2 said. in addition some of these people like to press their views onto others which then manifests in disrespect towards those with different views

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