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Stoned late night drive through experiences

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by EnjoiPugs, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. If you have a good story about something funny or embarassing at a late night drive through place add them here. This happened to me last night:

    My girlfriend and I are at my friends place. He's one of those guys that has to eat all the time or he'll whine about it. Well he already had a shit ton of food but he really wanted a wendy's frosty and fries. So after about an hour of nagging I give in and tell him to give me money and i'll go to wendys. He gives me 16 dollars.

    About an hour before I left we'd shared this sick blunt we rolled up. We matched a gram of dank each, me and my friend and loaded it with kief too! Needless to say, it was stoney at the drive thru. Anyways, I get there almost after missing the turn and looking like an idiot, then the drive through is right there and it's like 15 minutes to close so you know they don't want to be open anymore and it's poor service time what I call it lol. Anywho I knew I had 16 dollars to get stuff so I just started listing a bunch of stuff off and it was too fast for the guy, but when he asked me what I wanted again I forgot and he was trying to help me remember lol. And then I didn't even know what I ordered anymore and he says 13.94. And then I go "and the nuggets." And it's already on the thing that tells you your order lol.

    After I figure out to go to the next window I proceed to give him the 16 dollars lol. And he gives me the extra dollar back, but I didnt realize what I did so I thought he was trying to short me! LOL. Then he gave me the rest of the change and then we got to the next window and the guy there asks me if I wanted any sauce and I said no and he gave me the food and didn't say anything, but I didn't know if I got all the food because I didn't know what I even ordered haha. So, i'm sitting there for another minute just staring and then finally I figure I must have gotten all my food and drove off. It was the most confusing wendys visit I ever had. Why didn't he say have a good night or something so I just knew I had all my food.
  2. Damn, that is confusing as hell man. At least you ended up with some sort of food.
  3. Yeah, OP, I had no clue what that story was all about...

    But I LOVE being in the car at night whilst completely messed up. I've only driven high once, and I hated it. My foot was shaking on the accelerator I was so nervous.

    I have great, amazing friends that will drive me around when I'm high. One night after coming back from a party my friend (who was sober) was driving me back to her house to crash. We were blasting Animal Collective, windows down, wind slapping me in the face, and she starts jerking the car around all over her street. I can't explain it, but it was just such an amazing feeling. There's nothing better than riding around, listening to music with your best friend. It just feels majestic.
  4. once it took me three times through the drivethrough to get what i wanted cause i kept forgettin stuff. another time i gave the guy a 1 instead of a 10 and he didnt say anything just stared lol.
  5. i don't know what it is about drive-thru while high but god damn it's funny

    my friends and i before we got our licenses and what not would drive up via invisible car.
    we thought it was funny, we even had someone go "vroom vra vra vra vra" haha oh the fun we had
  6. this is epic. did they actually serve you at the drive through or were they party poopers and want you to go inside?
  7. Im new to the forum, but ive been blazing real heavy the last two months and reading threads

    The first time i got high, i was with some friends and we spent about an hour starring at the dashboard in the car. Then, out of nowhere, dude says "lets get some taco bell"

    We get to the PA and we're just laughing and saying stupid shyt, then the guy ask us what we want to eat. Shyt gets serious cause we're both hungry. My dude says "LET ME GET A BEEF BATATOE". Me and this other dude look at each other and start laughing. The funniest part is my boy was very serious, and he really wanted a beef batatoe... he wasnt even laughing.

    Then the dude on the PA is like "sir, we dont carry beef batatoes" and we spend about 5 minutes laughing uncontrollably!
  8. "Do you have anything human?"
    and making awkward sexual advances to the worker.

    Also, paying for an $8 meal with a 20, and getting no change back from your friend...cause he forgot that we had bought food and needed change.
  9. All I have to say is:

    CAT OR BUG?????????????????????????????????
  10. that was the most confusing read I've ever had and it wasn't even funny, thanks alot

  11. Yeah man, I wanna know if that works, because we were talking about that last night lol.
  12. #12 addictedtoweed, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
    yea once in a while if you get someone cool they'll serve you but theres like 5 fast food places like right next to each other so usually we'd luck out haha

    give it a go, so fun

    edit: hahaha i just remembered, one time they told us to come in so we went in in car formation...needless to say they told us to leave
  13. That shit was mad funny, gotta love drive-thrus when blazed.
  14. one of the best drive through experiences I had was when my buddy and I payed a visit to mcdonalds smokeing a blunt.
    the dude opens the window to get out money and my man takes a fat rip off the dankness and sends a cloud through the little window.
    employee ducks the cloud.
    Like the dudes trained for such an occasion
    needless to say, I died twice.


  15. I remember getting real nervous when going to an all night store/garage and having to buy papers and cigarettes at the same time, always a dead give away :)
  16. Me and my friend went to order one time and the girl asked us what we wanted and we both just immediately started laughing uncontrollably and couldn't stop so we just drove off laughing while they stared at us through the windows. This happens often.
  17. I actually have an april 20th story about this.

    It was 4.20 and I was just sitting in my car at the wendys drive through, coming off a great 420. Im just minding my own business, still high as a kite, when this kid in the passenger seat of the car behind me jumps out of the car. Not that unusual, but he proceeds to sneak up to my car... He's totally unaware that im watching him try to surprise me, or mug me, Im not sure at this point. When he gets to my car he pops up says ''BOOOOAHDSKFJASDK" really loud and runs back to his buddy laughing his ass off. Because I saw him walking up it didnt scare me, but because I was high it was confusing as shit rofl. I spent half an hour trying to figure out what the hell this stranger was trying to do.
  18. i just remember one time going to taco bell stoned out of my mind with some friends and just laughing uncontrollably into the speaker. i think the lady got mad.
  19. One time in college we all got ripped, went thru the Wendy's drive through. We get to the window to pick up our order and there is a uniformed Milwaukee police officer standing next to the Wendy's worker. All three of us simultaneously and loudly went, "Shit there's a cop." He gave us the robot stare. We got the fuck out of there fast paranoid as hell.
  20. yea wendys always fucks with me when im high

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