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Stoned for an hour or two off of .02 or .03?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jjassonn, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. #1 jjassonn, Nov 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2011
    So I finally got a scale to see just how little weed I use. I apparently got stoned four times yesterday off of .1 for 90-120 minutes each session. I never got blazed out of my mind, but I hovered around a 7 or 8 for basically six hours off of just .1. To avoid confusion, I used .1 for the whole day (so about .025 each session). Each high seemed just as good and seemed to last just as long. Is anyone else like this?

    Also, it is dank, but I've been smoking this stuff daily for about two weeks (so the explanation isn't simply that my tolerance is fresh for this strain).
  2. What toking instrument are you using?
  3. [quote name='"jjassonn"']So I finally got a scale to see just how little weed I use. I apparently got stoned four times yesterday off of .1 for 90-120 minutes each session. I never got blazed out of my mind, but I hovered around a 7 or 8 for basically six hours off of just .1. To avoid confusion, I used .1 for the whole day (so about .025 each session). Is anyone else like this?

    It was dank, but still...[/quote]

    well i dont have a scale, and none of my friends have one beyond .1 accuracy. but i know i can get high off .05... maybe less. think its just dank ass shit.
  4. I've noticed sometimes certain nugs are better than others. I always save the best ones for last.

  5. Bong.
  6. Any percs or other filtration? (I'm trying to assess roughly what your THC % absorption might be)

  7. don't think so; it's just a generic bong..about eight inches tall
  8. Yeah I guess it could be.

    I personally use my vape, I sware I have to use almost nothing. Of course not dust, but just a small bit will do the trick :p
  9. damn that's chill. i go through a g in a couple days
  10. lucky dude. i only have shitty mids that it takes like .3-.5 to get me super stoned.
  11. i could do that but i like getting higher and higher. if im low on bud i take one rip and put all my shit away until i feel too sober or ill just keep taking bong rips.

    a gram used to be able to last me like 4 days smoking everyday

    recently i havent been smoking until like 9pm and i wasn't even realizing. idk why but staying sober makes the day go buy in a second. and now im rambling without even being high. its like being sober is being high im so high these days lolol

    stay high ya'll because it makes life that much better :smoking:
  12. :eek:

    I go through a G before breakfast! :smoke:
  13. smoked like 1~ gram within 2 hrs time...can't get blazed like I used to :( time to stop smoking weed for a moth
  14. .025 is like one hit dude
  15. It's called a snap--albeit a small one, but yes it's enough to get you buzzing for a good period of time.

  16. I know, lol. I'll sometimes even take too small hits of .025.

    But yeah, I just took my first hit of the day about ten minutes ago, and I'm quite high.
  17. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
  18. I started out with a vape, and thought it was amazing for its efficiency. I'd smoke maybe once every week or two, and I got a lot higher from smoking, but I attributed this to that fact that my smoking tolerance was always low because I vaped about twenty times to every one time that I smoked. But then I started smoking more and more, and I realized that I just got a lot higher smoking than vaping for some reason even on the same (or even a smaller) amount... and I'm using the vape correctly... i have a MFLB.
  19. #19 jjassonn, Nov 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2011
    It's a small one, and I'm more than just buzzing.. I peak pretty high for about forty five minutes each time. And what's perhaps even stranger is that I used only like .01 or .015 the last session yesterday, and I still got just as high for just as long as the previous three sessions. And, today, I just took a hit of .01 or .015 again, and I'm at like an 8 or 9 and will be so for awhile.

  20. Well theres a lot of factors when vaping; a lot of the high you get when you smoke is actually not THC, but it's the carcinogens.

    What I like to do is use my vape for a while, then I'll do a small bong bowl. To me thats the best high ever. An equal balance :smoke:

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