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Stoned and pondering bags

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KingWzrd420, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. So my dealer always gives me these little bags for bud when I get 3 grams or less, and they are pretty cool. They have ones with all kinds of different designs that are way cooler then just a clear plastic bag. My idea though is what if they sold sandwitch bag and half sandwitch sized version of them. With one giant skull on it or superman logo etc
  2. I'd be down but your target market is pretty small with it.
  3. They're a pretty good idea for detail-oriented smokers (a lot!). I think a better size would be sandwich sized because if selling schwag, what you sell will mostly be in that size range, and will most definitely fit smaller dank bund.

    Keep an eye out for me!

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