stoned and drunk...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SirLockHolmes, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. isn't it like the best thing ever? i mean if you're into alcohol.. it just feels so great like music kicks ass and food is great friends are great tv and video games are great. just fucking everyhing. doesn't it kick ass? i guess this doesn't have much point.. i'm pretty fucked up right now, good day. so to make it have a purpose, give a story of just getting really fucked up and having to do something crazy or out of the ordinary while stoned and drunk. yesterday i went deep into the woods with some friends and we all drank and smoked then it started fucking pouring and everything was muddy as shit. there were gaps we had to jump and huge ass hills we had to scale fucked up while everything was muddy as shit. hahhaha we were all fucking filthy by the time we got out. man that shit's the best that's how memories are made. anyways, if you guys have any stories tell me what's up i'd love to laugh at some funny ass stories hahahah god damn shit's good right now. well it think i'm gonna go find some food. god damn i've typed a lot. i dreank probly like 6 shots of 80 proof shit and smoked like a bowl and now i'm out =/. hope all my GC leaves are doin' good.
    me :smoke:

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