Stimulating my pineal gland

Discussion in 'General' started by bablok, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Ive been up for 2 days strate on nuthin but green ima try and stim my pineal gland and ima look up sum meditations anyone got any advice on this shit
  2. If you've been smoking weed for 2 days and you haven't managed to fall asleep, then you're doomed to be forever awake.
  3. The obvious. Indian style sitting. Hands in an A-OK position and hum. With any
    Luck your body will go into a deep sleep like state, your breathing will become deep and you will activate the pineal gland and you can then journey within. Fun times.
  4. Dude holy shit thats crazy i saw like a buddha and the great wall of china im listening to this chill ass buddhist meditation trance music
  5. I fuck with meditation now son cant beleive i never tried this shit
  6. pineal gland? dude stop talking about your dick
  7. Nah son its in your dick
  8. just take some melatonin, or avoid bright lights so your normal body rhythms start up

  9. very much isnt. its in your brain and produces melatonin. so if you really thought it was in your penis did you think stimulating it would just be some crazy masturbation technique?
  10. Am I the only one who's having trouble making sense of this? :confused:
  11. How do you stimulate a gland in your brain... with your hand?

  12. i assume its something you could find in a deleted scene from a movie featuring hannibal lecter

  13. Nah man.....DRUGZ!!!!!!:hello:
  14. It's not just you. I don't get it either.

    I'm going to fire up a bowl and come back and revisit this thread once I'm in the right frame of mind.

  15. im assuming the guy is talking about some new-age stimulation type deal, as google mentions the gland also being called the third eye.


    i see how you could have felt that way
  17. That is exactly where I started to feel stupid :p
  18. Is that link you posted a satanic ritual? :eek:
  19. #20 bablok, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    ha ha ha

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