Still got that Obama sticker on your car?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GolgiApparatus, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. I know, it's hard to admit that you were wrong, isn't it? I mean, after all, how in the world can you admit that voting for someone with absolutely no experience at all - a former ACORN street organizer - someone who gravitated to Marxist professors and communist student groups in college - someone with no record of significant accomplishment at any endeavor - and someone who ran for office on the basis of focus-group slogans - how can you ever admit that such a vote might have been a mistake?

    Do you see our economy improving? Have you noticed the improving employment figures?

    Are you impressed by the burgeoning national debt that your children are going to have to pay back?

    Are you looking forward to seeing your health care rationed?

    How about the nationalization of General Motors, Citigroup and others? That's why you put that bumper sticker on your car, isn't it? So Obama could use some of his immense business experience to run some of our major industries. You do know he will nationalize the banks soon, don't you? Is that the change you had in mind?

    Don't you see how smart this "sort-of" God really is? He's raising taxes while other nations are lowering business and personal taxes to fight the economic downturn. You knew that he knew something that the other world leaders didn't know ... didn't you?

    How about our shows of determination and strength to North Korea and Iran? Obama really has the Gargoyle and Shorty in a tizzy, doesn't he? And I'm sure you're very impressed by Obama's instantaneous backing of that wannabe dictator and Chavez acolyte from Honduras.

    So ... still got that Obama bumper sticker on your car? It's one thing to have been so profoundly ignorant in the last election. It's quite another to advertise it.
  2. nah everything is bushs fault duh
  3. So, would having a Bush sticker be any better? :D

  4. The republicans that crossed the line are regretting their decision.

    The moderates and independents are starting to realize they made a mistake.

    The 'Kool aid drinkers" may one day realize they made a mistake, but never will they admit it.

  5. Oh thats right, everything is Bush's fault, i forgot.:rolleyes:

    He might hurt the economy but Obamas killing it.
  6. I point and laughed at people who have obama sticker with bunch of peace stickers.

  7. no... Ron Paul is our lord and savior. Didn't you get the memo? :rolleyes:
  8. BTW... it's not Bush's fault or Obama's fault our economy is in the mess it is in.

    It's our fault.

    Instead of blaming Obama, who's only a figure head, and hasn't even been that for 6 months, blame yourself. And me. And your neighbors who are sitting in the far too big house, watching their far too big tv, with their far too big car in the drive way. That they bought on credit.
  9. i wouldn't go as far as "lord and savior" since Obama has that title already.. but extremely insightful and intelligent doctor and politician might me more suiting :)

    i see lots of Obama stickers on peoples cars still.. they rooted for the winner so they're proud of their team winning i guess.

    the funniest ones to me are the cars with the Obama sticker and a Peace sticker next to it.. i mean these people need to make a decision about which they want because they can't have both peace and Obama.

    and LOL at the diehards with the Bush/Cheney and McCain/Palin stickers...
  10. i would be embarrassed to have a sticker of any mainstream politician on my car. Obama isn't the problem, it's the system. There's no difference between Obama and any of the other elitist corporate tool mainstream sellout politicians you've ever supported.

    christ, I thought GC was able to see through our shitty political industry and the state's social control system known as "democracy"
  11. I pay my bills. Sorry but i'm guilt free on the economy.:smoke:

  12. I got a neighbor with a Gore Lieberman sticker still on his car. For Christ sake give it up already.:smoke:
  13. #13 CannabisInCanada, Jul 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
    Nope, he's just an outlier in the political game. He stands for his values has a consistent ideology and 20 years of empassioned congressional testimonies and his voting record can attribute for that. He wants as LITTLE war as possible and a sensible fiscal policy.

    Crazy eh?
  14. Do you blame the fish for taking the bait, or the angler for deceiving it?

    The meek have inherited the Earth and the government is exploiting them by giving them 0% interest rates and a floating currency. The banks lent with literally no risk because they knew they always had the option for bailout in their back pockets.

    To blame the users and not the enablers will never cure the systemic risk of our economic system.

    If you can heal the symptoms but not affect the cause, then you can't heal the symptoms.
  15. There is absolutley no reason people should be bashing Ron Paul, he is the most sensible man in Washington. Anyone who disagrees on limiting the size of govt and obeying the constitution is a moron. Go back to Obama land where everything is better, and everyone is working for the common good, at the end of your travels there, you will end up with no rights whatsoever.
  16. as an obama supporter with a small "change" poster in my kitchen, i dont really believe i was wrong, and here's why-

    obama was never a religious figure to me, and i dont really think he was to anyone. He was just a black guy from hawaii, who for a short time lived in a 3rd world country.

    The thing is- hes a politician. He's also sorrounded by other politicians. Joe biden talks to him on a daily basis (which is bad for everyone)

    As an envronmentalist, mccain wasn't the correct choice for me. As far as the economy goes, bailouts isn't the best plan, but its still A PLAN, and mccain didnt have one. Had mccain-palin been elected, my expectations would have been nearly a 35% national unemployment rate, deteriorating foreign relations, a war in iraq thats not ending at the end of this month, possibly an all around apocalypse; and i would have assumed the pressures of the oval office would have killed john mccain within the first two years.

    and sarah palin? fucking palin? Are you serious? Purely abstinence in sex education and no abortions? To support such a thing clearly means you've never fucked a stripper in east st. louis, because thats a call no one deserves to get.

    And please, before you all crucify me, please understand that it's not easy to support an unpopular point of view.

  17. Its amazing how the "unpopular point of view" is now Obama
  18. Rep....

  19. and by the way- if ron paul was so great, why didnt you make him your nominee?

  20. Fiscal and political conservatives (ie Constitutionalists) are minorities in both parties.

    Smart people are also a minority in both parties. This is why we were a Republic and not a Democracy.

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