Still be successfull?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Hrdwrk24, May 5, 2011.

  1. I messed up the things that people of this world judge your character by. My credit for one. I have a couple misdemeanors on my rap sheet for seconds. It seems like just these two things that I've mentioned keep me from getting a good job. Even if I get my degree will I still have trouble finding work? This economy sucks for everyone.
  2. Quit trying to live like everyone else and live like few, *cough* Slang dope, dude. *cough*
  3. Yes, when the judicial system fucks you over go break some more laws. But seriously, start dealing and stop worrying.
  4. Man everybody deals, there's only a bit of money in it unless you're growing or just looking to not pay for weed.

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