Sticky Situation

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Anony, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. Forgive me as i already posted this in the general indoor section, but afterwards realizing its proly better here.

    My friend and I need some help. He has a 2 month old lady in veg, on 14/10.
    Some small larvae are showing up on the leaves, and eating away. We checked them under a scope, but cant identify them to find a good remedy, and cannot take a pic of them.
    Would it be best to take clippings, sterilize and start fresh? Is it too late to take clippings?

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. If you have bugs spray the plants with Neem oil. If you can't get that get stuff called eight. Taking clippings with bugs on them will only give you clippings with bugs; it won't solve your problem. Also put them on 18/6 because you are depriving them of 4 hours of light and there are some strains that might start to flower at 14/10.
  3. It's not too late to take clippings. Yes you can take and clean each. I got rid of White flys this way yrs ago. I took clones and cleaned each leaf w/my fingers to rid them of eggs. It worked, but was a pain.

    Larve on leaf? Try search on leaf borers?
    It's out there.

    gl alex

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