Stephen Colbert fans...

Discussion in 'General' started by CosmicSerpent, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. My school (College of Charleston) is hosting MTV's Rock the Vote, a presentation about educated voting/registration and all that. The awesome part about it is that Stephen Colbert is going to be there... it's this Saturday and I'm planning on going. Should be awesome to see SC's reaction to our "favorite son" candidate. :hello::D If anyone else on GC lives nearby, you should come too.
  2. I saw him on Larry King and Meet the Press. I think he is running just to see how much he can annoy the candidates. He is a very funny guy and I am glad he has chosen Larry Craig as his running mate. I bet the two of them would change our country for the better, and there is no sarcasm in that statement.
  3. I never liked S. Colbert's show, I thought he was annoying and not very funny. The other day I did see him on Larry King and he dropped his character(for the most part) and was somewhat real. Now I have decided that he is alright now that I understand his character on the tv show. Big up to Colbert.
  4. I don't understand the fools who ever took his character seriously.
    I've never seen such blatant over-use of sarcasm and satire on a talk show.
  5. Oops, I didn't mean to say that I took his tv character seriously. I thought he uses sarcasm and satire a little too much. That;s why I thought he was annoying. He needs to drop his tv show character more often when he is in serious situations. I think more people would identify with him.
  6. thats whats funny about colbert. the excessive sarcasm. George bush...great president or greatest president?!?

    Stephen colbert and the jokes are derived from the issues hes discussing, they all just happen to be sarcastic but theyre still relavent to the issue. (i didnt like his show at first but now that hes gotten used to reading off a screen I really enjoy it)

    unlike family guy for instance, where jokes are complete random and have nothing to do with what is going on in the story :confused::confused: This style lacks good writing by the producers and just screams lazy. *insert random joke* Remember that time I was doing the laundry and won a vacation to mexico with gary coleman :bongin:
  7. I'm not seriously going to vote for him... I take the presidential election a little more seriously than that. He isn't running as Stephen Colbert the real person, he's running as his character on the show. I just think he's a hilarious comedian and a brilliant political commentator. His sarcasm/satire might seem a little extreme for some people, but would it really be the same if he broke character? If he just sat there on his show talking straight-forward without the sarcasm, then it would be very boring and just like every other political show. What makes it so entertaining is the satire. No one can deliver deadpan comedy and stay in character as well as he can.
  8. i think its funny as hell, i want to see some debates with him causin trouble
  9. I Remember the commercials they were putting out when the show first came to Comedy Central,very alluring if you ask me.I'm not really a fan of those type of shows,but he is funny,I give him that.

    Colbert,it's French bitch.(not sure he said the word bitch)
  10. I thought South Carolina's "favorite son" was John Edwards from N. Carolina

    I like Stephen Col-ber however his attempt at running for president is a joke.
  11. Of course it's a joke... what's hilarious is when people fail to understand his satire and take him seriously.
  12. I think Colbert is a pompous asshole...why can't Jon Stewart run?
  13. i think hes great and would do some crazy things, thats why he wont win unfortunatley...i think im might not vote this time

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