Stems splitting off main stalks

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by OldRose, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. I'm having this problem with 7 different strains, from indica-dom to sativa-dom. I'm obviously thinking it's nutritional. The girls look pretty good (see Gorilla Glue below) except that I keep finding the bottom stems broken off. I'll be lollypopping anyway within the next 2 weeks, but I didn't have this problem in the past 2 years. I'm worried that as the plants get big in August and September, I'm going to lose a bunch of stems.

    •Outdoor medical grow in NorCal in 45 and 60 gallon smart pots with shrublers. Water gets sprayed daily on the main stalk near the base. ***A top suspect at this time except there is no sign of damage, discoloration, rot, and some of the breaks are above where water touches the plant.****
    •All clones bought by June 1, hardened gradually and transplanted into Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil.
    •Grown in Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil (pH buffered), planting holes amended with bone meal at time of planting.
    •Organic fertilizers used: alfalfa pellets dissolved in water (1X month), bat guano (1X in June), kelp meal (1X/month), organic 5-5-5 fertilizer (1XinJuly).

    Quick web search suggests potassium deficiency and/or N deficiency. Anyone have any experience with this?

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  2. do you mean branches ? Could an animal be climbing in there at night ? If not I'd go with the shrublers . Maybe trim some leaves to allow air circulation pop it
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  3. Thanks. Animal is possible. All kinds of critters, including jack rabbits, manage to get into the fenced yard. I don't see signs of nibble, but they are hell on drip emitters because they drink from them.

    Girls are in for a big haircut soon enough. I'm keeping the leaves for now, trying to pump some height into them.
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  4. It's probably an animal trying to get water, my buddy had that issue and I suggested putting two or three water dishes so they don't have to search for it. That's if the critters are inevitable.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  5. Cage that shit. Problem solved. Take the load off those intersections as the branches get heavier and you won't get breakage. Plus, it'll help keep the critters out.
  6. I grow big plants too. Usually by the end, I got all the big branches tied up to keep from snapping. I got a big gorilla glue right now too. We're neighbors by the way. Wassup NORCAL homie!!!!
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  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm still leaning toward some bizarre nutritional thingy. No more overpriced potting soil for me. My garden soil never had this problem. I'll put out some water, not that there isn't plenty already between dogs' bowls and stock water.

    Yesterday I used a hose-end sprayer for BT. Two branches came off, and they shouldn't have. The cages are ready to go. I gotta do that bit of pruning around the bases first.
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