hey guys whats up, first post in the forums. I'm planning on doing a pc stealth grow with cfls. The only problem is i dont have the side cover of the computer. Does anyone have suggestions what i could cover it up with so it is not noticeable?
Thats pretty salty... What about trying to find another of the same tower and replacing it?? Or puting the side with out the cover against the wall?? I think that would look skeetchy though... HMMMM.... smoke break .... I'll let you know if a get one of m genius ideas
hit up a computer store like fry's or something and ask for the biggest cheapest pc case. theres gotta be some cheap ones. or you can order a new case, newegg.com has cheap ones under $25 bucks: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010090007+4093&name=$10+-+$25 Steer clear of the "Micro ATX" cases tho, they are smaller, hence the name micro lol
Thanks for the input guys i was going for pc? I'll try to look for a cover, but may go rubbermaid tub ? any thoughts or suggestions for 4-6 plants
theres just no way your fitting 4-6 plants in a pc case and expect for them to be flowering beauties. your going to need a bit bigger area. now yes you could make a stealth pc case and germinate seeds and veg for a couple weeks, but thats about all. Your going to have to come up with a bigger area for your 4-6 plant plans.
LOL-> Muzikman... Be nice now... You can get away with 2 in a case!! But to say 3 is honestly pushing it... Rubbermaids wnt cut it for flower because you need more vert space... Just keep that in mind!
Ive had experience germinating and beginning veg in a pc case, it works really well if made right. so you shouldnt have a problem there.