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Stealing: A victimless crime?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by bahookahjoe18, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. #1 bahookahjoe18, Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2011
    Farmer Smith has 40 chickens and he collected all of their eggs this morning, planning to sell them tomorrow. He doesn't need the money, he just doesn't have a use for so many eggs, and figures he can gain some revenue. He hasn't taken stock yet, the eggs are just sitting in some baskets, waiting to be counted. Farmer Smith needs to cut some firewood, so he leaves to do this.

    While he is a way, James, a man who is not hungry and has plenty of money, but just happens to want some free eggs today, takes 12 of the uncounted eggs.

    Farmer Smith comes home, sorts his eggs in to dozens, and is very pleased with the fact that he has 60 dozen eggs. He sells all of them the next day and goes home with a big chunk of cash. Five miles away, James has enough eggs for the next week, and they were free.

    Is stealing in this case immoral?

    Is stealing from Wal-Mart immoral?
  2. no just dont steal from churches or small ma & pop businesses that are barely making it.

    big box stores dont take a hit/notice if you were to take one item so do it up those big evil corporations should go down.
  3. Farmer Smith has a lot of eggs to sell at the market. He doesn't need to sell them, he just wants the extra cash. He doesn't know how many eggs he has, and he is selling them for 200% profit.

    Is it immoral to steal one dozen eggs from Farmer Smith?
  4. #4 Vicious, Nov 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2011
    A man who has to sneak around and steal in secret is a coward and a thief. Someone who walks out with their head held high with the prize is a conqueror.

    With that said, just print out a shit ton of bogus coupons.

  5. A coward and a thief, maybe. But is it immoral to be such?
  6. Morality depends on the person. It's immoral to steal in general but I would say less so if it's victimless as you say. There will always be a victim with theft though. I think it less immoral to steal from a corporation than a person's belongings. Although farmer Smith may not know how many eggs he has, stealing from him is worse than Wal-mart.

    Stealing is also different when it comes to survival. If there was some sort of fallout and you had to fight or steal to put food on the table then it's expected.

  7. How is Farmer Smith a victim? He is not losing anything in his reality.
  8. its immoral just to WALK INTO a walmart.

    as for stealing...i go with the robin hood theory
  9. yeah because churches face heavy taxes and constant debt
  10. Farmer Smith had to raise, feed and house the chickens. Even if it's all profit he did put forth effort to get those eggs, set up a booth and take time out of the day to sell them.

  11. But he is totally oblivious to the fact that the eggs are gone. They're not even missing in his world because he didn't know those particular eggs were there.

    No loss=no crime
    in my mind
  12. by that logic, in no possible way could the computer be used illegally.
  13. I don't know much about cyber-crime. Piracy?

    I have a hard time grasping private property anyway, so when it's intangible property, it's even harder.
  14. It's potential money lost, if it wasn't stolen there's a chance it would have sold. As well as waste of effort.
  15. yes stealing others property is immoral in any case.
    ...stealing from walmart is less immoral than stealing from an old lady but immoral nonetheless.

    what dont you understand about private property????

    can you see that your body is your private property? (you are the sole owner with the right to exclude everyone else)
    anything that is truly yours is almost an extension of yourself. thus is your property.
    you have the right to exclude anybody else from using your body, and in a similar way you have the right to exclude everyone else from using your "external" property.

    so even if the guy you steal from never finds out, you would still be violating his right to exclude you from his property. thus is immoral

  16. It's money he didn't need though. In order for this to make sense, you have to look through the eyes of our farmer.

    He has 40 chickens and he collected all of their eggs this morning, planning to sell them tomorrow. He hasn't taken stock yet, the eggs are just sitting in some baskets, waiting to be counted. Farmer Smith needs to cut some firewood, so he leaves to do this. While he is a way, James, a man who is not hungry, but just happens to want some free eggs today, takes 12 of the uncounted eggs.

    Farmer Smith comes home, sorts his eggs in to dozens, and is very pleased with the fact that he has 60 dozen eggs. He sells all of them the next day and goes home with a big chunk of cash. Five miles away, James has enough eggs for the next week, and they were free.

    Is anyone sad?
  17. Identity theft, credit card fraud, or general breaking into servers to either steal or even change information on it for whatever reasons.

    Theres also cyber warfare. The first weaponized virus was recently discovered.

    So anything can happen from slowing down your computer, to bringing down the entire global economy...but no direct physical harm, so no crime.

  18. I need to better define my thoughts.

    Stealing, of physical or digital nature, is not a crime if the one being stolen from is, in every sense, unaware of the theft.
  19. in a case like this no one would be sad ok..
    that doesnt eliminate the fact that james stole the farmers property, period.

  20. Why is it wrong to steal?

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