Hi all I'm wanting to try all seeds this year and wanted some advice. My main question is what I should plan on using for pots until they go outside. I plan on starting them early Feb to go out May-June, is that to early? Not looking to do monsters. Was thinking of using 6" coco pots but my cuttings got root bound on the bottom last year and I don't want to mess with the tap root. Things I have: Closet 3 Sunburst fluorescent lights Foxfarm sea soil 1 heat mat Seed starter trays and covers Small fan Seeds Questions: Is February too soon to start After seeds pop what size/type of pots Any tips are appreciated. I tried this on a smaller scale last year and am very excited this next year. Thanks in advance.
February is pretty early Middle of April is a common time, but for the time being I would us a 3-5 gallon pot depending on your space also you might want to add 1 1/2 handful of perlite and some straight organic potting soil provides a little more aeration which stimulates faster growth plus if you dilute the nutrients more less chance of them getting burned early plus you can progressively build up in nutes and you wanna go hardest during flowering. Hope this is of use!