starting seeds

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by patfid, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Hi, I've got three cheese seeds to start, whats the best way of doing this as I put the last two in some coco and they did nothing but perish??? Help please.:wave:
  2. Most people use paper towel i have my own little strategy. I get a cup of distilled water the seeds float in the cup for around a day and then i like to give them a push down so they emerge in the water for a few hours. Most people discourage letting them sink. But i like it. Then i get a piece of paper tower fold it up nicely and plop my seeds in it and keep the paper towel nice and moist. and put it in a ziplock bag in a dark warm place and let them chill there for about 3 days. Just search germinating seeds and you'll find alot of posts.
  3. let seeds soak in water for 30 minutes and start them in 20-32 oz foam cups fill with 80%topsoil at top of cup and a slight mixture of things added at the bottom. Keep soil moist but not soaking enough to crack the seedling out of the shell. Place the seed about 1/6 of a inch below the surface in the middle and add a light sprinkle of soil over the hole the seed is in. Soaking for more than this time could cause the seedling inside to rot if the shell is over hard. Keep cups in warm lit place and they should germ within a few days then keep on a almost all light on, light sched
  4. Seems to be an epidemic of slow germination this year.

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