Starting over..

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Katieblazey, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. #1 Katieblazey, Apr 18, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    I'm hoping someone with patience and time can help me out a bit.. I got new clones because the last ones did not go as I planned:/ I'm hoping these will live out a healthy life. Before I put them in a pot, I want to know exactly what I should do. Should I water re soil first then put them in the pot? How much water.. Until there is 10% run off or much less? I used Azomax and misted them. How often should I use it to prevent bugs? I have spiders and other bugs at my house, and I'm bringng them in (after the sun goes down) and back out until I can afford a greenhouse. I also have fossil dust and thrip/flea sticky traps.. I'm using a filtered pitcher of water to water, I'm using black and gold soil, and when I need to- I'm busing biothrive grow and bloom nutrients, plus a kelp boost. I also have microbes for the soil..... I'm worried about bugs and under/over watering. I'm not sure what to look for because I've been told wilting could be a sign of both. thanks to anyone for the help, I'm going to wait until I get some advice to put them in the pot. Here's some pics *side note I don't know why the sour diesel in the front right is wilting.. I brought it home and it was like this. Would anyone know what's wrong? I'm hoping it'll be okay by tomorrow

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  2. Sounds like you are ready to get started.

    About the azamax, most people don't use it preemptively and instead wait til they have pests for it, but you could do it preventative if you want to.

    For the watering, if it's just water no nutrients you can water until its hydrated. When you add nutrients you should water to at least 10% runoff though to prevent sodium buildup.

    As for the over/under watering symptoms, you are correct that they both show wilting, but they wilt in a different way.

    Overwatering (notice the stems are reaching upwards but the leaves themselves are drooping. They are not able to handle the water weight):

    underwatering (notice how the leaves AND the stems are all wilting downwards completely):

    under watering will look a lot more limp whereas overwatering looks less wilted.

    it should be really easy to figure out which it is regardless of these symptoms though, if the medium is dry and they are wilting its under watered, if the medium is hydrated and drooping, its over watered.

    95% of the time beginner growers will over water so it will almost always be that.
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  3. someone more experienced should be along shortly, but in my amateur opinion, put your clone in soil and then water the pot till there's 20% runoff, and don't water again until the top inch of soil is dry. The people on this forum who I've seen with watering issues had their plants on a schedule instead of only watering when the soil is dry. It won't need to be watered often until later in its life cycle.
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  4. That's what I'm confused about. My plants that didn't make it looked like the bottom picture, but the soil was moist. Maybe I used too much Azomax....
  5. did you have any photos of that plant?
  6. Unfortunately no but the leaves did get crispy. I didn't water it till there was any run off because I've heard so many stories of plants dying from being overwatered.
  7. if the leaves were crispy they got burned up. Either from the soil being too hot with nutrients, or from the azamax.

    I'm leaning towards the azamax since you are using a premixed soil and spraying pesticides are notorious for burning plants.

    When you sprayed, when did you do it? Early mornng, middle of the lights on schedule, or right before lights off?

    You should only be spraying pesticides at around 10-15 minutes before lights turn off, because if they sit in the light while the leaves are coated and wet, they will get burned up from the lights. (water droplets act as a magnifying glass)
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  8. I did it right it the middle of the day. I basically soaked them once, and then again after 30 mins because someone told me to do that. Agh, that has to be it. I only did a teeny bit this time, and I diluted it a lot more and they dried up pretty fast so I'm hoping they'll be okay. Should I most them with regular water?
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  9. I wouldn't d anything to them right now. Just let them be and start only spraying before the lights turn off. If you spray water then it will still burn the plants (maybe not as severely, but still).

    As for diluting it, you can if you want, if you are spraying when the lights are off and they arent getting burned then they can handle it, but seeing as you don't have pests and are just spraying preventatively then you can dilute it.

    Your problem was definitely spraying under the lights though, so you should have better results this time around.
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  10. wow, that explains a lot. I didn't know that about water droplets. thought my bulbs were burning my plants but I was never really convinced of that because I don't keep them that close.
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  11. Awesoooooome. Thanks a lot, I'm really hoping this works out!
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  12. Sweet. Thanks a lot:)
  13. Your doing Fine! Your over watering like morange said, it not that beginners give there plant to much water! There just watering to often! Your plants look fine! Just be patient before you know it you'll be smoking themBtw: I think you should listen to what there saying. Because he knows what he's talking about. Lift your pots when there dry and need water. See how light they are, then when you I've them a good watering lift the pot. You'll be able to tell when they need water!
    Good Luck

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  14. I think she was Talking to a Experienced person, she didn't need anyone else to come along! Even tho it's always good to research what someone is telling you cause you ask 50 questions you'll get 50 different answers most of the time. It's good to hear other opinions

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  15. It's not rocket science.

    When the plant is dropping water it. Don't water again till it is starting to droop again.... you soon will learn the watering pattern ... just give it a nice soaking
    In 3 grows I have yet to use a ph meter.

    Just get some nutes. Does it really matter the brand, just that they are good quality. Earth juice, roots organics, fox farms, general hydroponics... there's a ton .. pick one and follow the instructions.

    Pick one that is good quality, And stay away from miracle grow. Add perlite to the soil.

    5 gallon minimum
    Make sure there are holes in the bottom.

    Pest control.
    Pick a spray that is organic and follow the directions. Bonnie is a good brand. Neem oil is always a winner.
  16. It isn't rocket science, but I do want to care for them and I have zero knowledge of how to! Thanks for the reply

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