Starting Indoor/Outdoor

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by LetsDoThiss, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. Hey GC got a couple of questions for you all to test your knowledge...
    my plan is to start some plants inside on fluorescent lights then transplant outisde here are my questions

    1. How many watts should i expect to use to grow around 6 plants?

    2. How big should i get my plants before transplant?

    3. When my plants are on their light would it be ok to move them outside in the sun for a couple of hours?? Or should i just keep them on their light?

    thanks in advance GC! now come one help me out :D
  2. no answers??

    I know there are some smart ppl out there..
  3. #3 dragonsfire1988, Mar 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2010

    1. Rule of thumb is 100w for first plant, then extra 50w for each additional plant. So maybe somewhere around 400w. But do the best you can with what you can acquire and utilize.

    2. Wait until they become rootbound (you'll see roots sticking out the bottom of the pot) or just shortly before flowering (like about a week so the plant can get used to the new home).

    3. As long as they don't get shocked by temps, bugs or severe wind, it would be fine. Plants love sunlight! Rain is an issue too, as high humidity can mess with the plants (especially during flowering)...just take into consideration the weather conditions, and play it safe whenever you are wary.
  4. thank you sir

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