Starting germed seeds in 4oz dixie cups?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PurpleCheeser, May 4, 2009.

  1. I'm wondering if you can start your germ'd seeds in 4oz Dixie cups. I read that peat pots in the long run make your plants less vigorous and slow down the growth. I have 32 seeds and i wont want 32 red cups because i don't have that much light. My grow spot is about 30 minutes away and i was to get them started at my house under some cfl's before i transplant them out their because seedlings take extra care

    4 Oz Paper Cup SLO404
  2. :eek:what????????????????????????????????????????????????????put some dirt in the cup put the seeds in the cup one or two per cup an bam marijuana:confused:
    i really worry about some of the people out there
  3. I really wonder about you my friend...

    Anyway, yes you can start them in those cups, just get a good soil mixture and you will be set.
  4. well yea of course im not retarded trust me. lol. Im just asking because it would be easier to start them in and then when they get their fist leaves i can throw them in the 7gals and under the hps

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