Starbucks Did It To Me Again

Discussion in 'General' started by BluntBurna, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. For some reason over the past year I have accumulated nearly $50 worth of Starbuck's
    gift cards. So about once a week I'll stop at the Starbuck's on campus and pick up
    a little something to drink. The 45 minutes to an hour later while I'm sitting in class,
    here comes a rush of feces exploding through my rectum hell bent on destruction.

    This happens without fail. I have now had to leave class early three times this semester
    because of the torture the death mix puts on my insides. Stomach starts churning, belly
    begins to ache, ass clenches like the jaws of life while I prairie dog it to the bathroom.

    The same thing happens to me when I go to Chic-Fil-A as well. No matter what I order,
    something about the heavenly food turns into satan inside my body and decides to apparently
    eat away at me from the inside out.

    Now, I know many people say that Taco Bell does this to them as well. For some reason
    I either never notice it or I'm immune to the drunken delicacy that is Taco Bell.

    So does anyone else have certain places that they eat at that makes them defecate
    without fail?
  2. One of my favorite quotes "most food and drink you see on t.v. is not made for human consumption"

    I feel like any fast food has the ability to have you on the toilet on what we like to call "auto flush"

    Any food not kept at the proper temperature can do this to you as well.
    A doctor told me humans should cleanse their bodies once a year to prevent waste buildup and dehydration problems which cuts down on the shats.
  3. KFC does it to me, but only their hot wings. if I eat hot wings anywhere else i'll be fine. so I eat them on the weekends when I know i'll be at home all day. their so good going in, but not so good comming out.;)

  4. McNasty/McDonald's
    I got sick of shitty service, cold, disgusting food, and general idiocy there. So I haven't eaten Mickey Dee's in a Year and a Half :hello:

    as for starbucks, this art piece I made a while back should express my sentiments...

  5. LOL Fuck starbucks anyways. Overpriced, shitty coffee with lame confusing names. Not to mention to me all of the sizes are pretty fuckin small anyways.

    Grande my ass...its like 3 inches tall.
  6. i have only experienced discomfort from starbucks once. that was after drinking both my venti peppermint mocha frappucino and a free caramel macchiato. i blame it on the caramel drink.. lol im good with coffee/espresso, just that thing was TOO much sugar haha

    and yes, i think i am immune to taco bell food as well. i'm convinced the more sauce you add, the more likely you are to get the shits. i know i have eaten ungodly amounts of taco bell (crunchwrap, chalupa, nachos, and a burrito?) with just a few packets of fire sauce and i did not have to immediately crap my brains out.
  7. Gino N' Joe's Pizza, And any coffee actually. liek when your colon turns inside out and burns!:eek:
  8. I dunno I know there is a food that gives me fire shits, but I haven't been able to pin it down. I will eat and its either a little after in the day or a delay of 2 days and I will have the worst shits.

    I am unable to tell which food is doing it to me since I can't find a pattern to my shitting fire.:mad:

    All hail the porcelain god:hello:
  9. i get all my starbucks fo free! lol i really dont drink coffee, but them sandwitches they are firrree
  10. Anything high in caffeine does this to me. Caffeine naturally causes gastrointestinal distress.

    I also experience something I call "Post McDonald's Regret Syndrome". About 30 minutes to an hour after I eat McDonald's I have to shit my insides out.

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