Yeah, I downloaded the entire thing a few days ago. It is the only thing i've listened to since then. In my opinion.. absolutly amazing, but I may be a bit biased since i'm pretty much a die hard chili peppers fan. They go back to their roots for a few songs, some real funky shit Much longer and more technical guitar solo's. And like always Flea shows us all his amazing bass skills. Anthonys lyrics are great for the most part, i have to say there really isn't a bad song on the album. If anyone wants it I can send it to you via msn. If you've already heard it, discuss
Totally agree. This is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time. I bring my ipod in my car now just so I can listen. I even got tickets to their stadium arcadium tour which isnt util october but i got the tickets already.
I'm seeing them in September... can't wait! The fact that two of my favorite bands tour together like brings tears to my eyes. As for Stadium Arcadium, it's amazing. I was gonna start typing out my favorite tracks but they're all great.
love it, its the only album that contends with blood sugar, and i cant wait to see them in concert, volta is opening for them, its gonna kick soo much ass
I just picked it up as well, it's amazing. I'm digging the funk roots, and I don't know if you hear this, but I some of my friends agree with me... it sounds like some old school Fungus Amungus, S.C.I.E.N.C.E. in songs like "Hump de Bump" and the verses of "Charlie." I really enjoy the whole album, but it's weird to listen to something like "Charlie" and go into the title track "Stadium Aradium." Totally different feels, I don't know, I just think some of the songs were ordered to flow very well, but the content is AMAZING. Doesn't the drummer look like Will Ferrell?
yeah, I'm also a pretty die hard chili peppers fan. and I'm also seeing them this october, in the front row I might add. In my opinion, one of the greatest bands ever, period. But thats just me. Oh, and Snow((Hey Oh)) and Slow Cheetah are also really good songs on the album.
ive only listened to it once but here were my initial impressions. nothing special and very uninspired sounding. i would rather they spent time making 9-12 or so great songs instead of having 28 mostly average songs. and john's soloing didn't really do anything for me either. charlie is seriously funky tho, i do like that song...
My favorites of the albulm are Hey Readymade Snow (hey Oh) Warlocks Animal Bar I havent listened to all of them yet tho
Best song "Hump de Bump" I love that song it's so funky and the chorus "Hump de Bump dopu bump ddupo oh oh" Then I would go with "Charlie" and then "Especially in Michigan" because my man Omar Rodrequiz Lopez plays on he's from The Mars Volta. Im going to see them Novmember.
its just grand. i think its soo awesome how they can come this far, put out 28 songs, and still b so kickass. im impressed really am. yes
yeah yeah...your a real fan...huh then why don't you go out in support them and buy there CD instead of stealing there hard earned money. sorry for the flame
Funny thing is I actually came in this board to make this thread. Stadium Arcadium is just track after track of good shit not one bad song out of the whole 28 tracks.