Ssv or xtreme q

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by chronicganjaguy, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. I have used a volcano and i love the bags from it, the only whip vape i used was like a 70 dollar one, does the ssv whip get you torn outand how much is 1 whip filled and get u stoned?
  2. Icant say anything bout the ssv but wat i can tell u the fact your considering 2 top quailty vapes tthat both get u shitfaced u obviouslyr on to a winner either way...i own and sware by the eq all of my mates love it. Can get high off .2 in the eq.

  3. Get the SSV and don't look back.

    I'm serious, its one of the best vaporizers ever, and I've been vaping for years.

    I love the Volcano too, I own one. The SSV gets you just as high, if not a little more high depending on your technique. The SSV is all about technique, and once you get it down, you are going to be the highest you can be every time you put .2 or less in the whip.

    The EQ is a great vaporizer, but if you don't care about bags so much, the SSV is the best whip vaporizer on the market in my opinion. Except for the Cloud. ;)
  4. I will second the SSV it is really nice to have, unfortunately i have been to lazy to get it out because its so much easier to set up a bong.

  5. How so? You know you can keep the SSV on right? The first one JUST burned out not too long ago after being on for like 8 years straight. Packing a bowl/wand takes the same amount of time. With the bong you gotta get water.

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