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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokeyMcGrass, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Lately I've been getting the spins from smoking. Is it possible i'm smoking too much too fast, i'm a newbie so that could be it too
  2. No idea..not really sure how so many people are having these kinds of problems lol.
    Just smoke less..smaller hits, make sure you don't inhale longer than you need too..
    And if need be, don't smoke dank if it's too much for you.

    Also use something simple like a piece as opposed to a fat blunt or a bong or something.
  3. More detail please. Tell us how you have a session.

    have a nice meal and after your food is done digesting then smoke. If you really want to know if it's because you're smoking to much then have a nice hit every 10 minutes or so.
  4. the spins as in you feel dizzy or sick, or the spins as in high and dizzy? if the latter, then chances are you've been smoking too much.
  5. Well I started out taking one of the biggest hits i've probably ever taken to where i couldn't inhale anymore and then took another two good sized hits within 5 minutes after that and it hit me really fast and I got really dizzy, it was kind of fun but mostly paranoia which made it uncomfortable
  6. Yeah it means you smoked alot with not alot of water. Or atleast water helped me. I always smoked until i got dizzy because it would make the high forever and i don't know why. But if you feel dizzy, eat something and drink some water.
  7. Don't smoke so fast..
    take a hit and wait,
    take a hit and wait.

    It sounds like your just getting really high..
    enjoy it.

    I miss the "spins".

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