I have an infestation of spider mites on one plant so far. I have used Azamax, Spinosad, and can't get it under control. What about Avid (Abemectin)? Suggestions?
where the pics? what you growing in? if in soil get get some DE powder that will kill the eggs and larvae in the soil and then begin hitting it with neem oil every 3 days till they disappear...you have to break the egg cycle ...the stuff you used kills the adults BUT then the eggs hatch and your back to square one...neem oil fucts up there reproductive cycle so it's beast mode against spider mites. good luck GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Best way to tell if it's mites it to put white paper under a branch and shake it. Look to see if you see any red mites running around on the paper. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Looks like Aphids or thrips to me. you usually see some webbing with spider mites. Put some strong water pressure on those leaves especially the bottoms and spot treat with some dawn and water. Neem if it gets worse. Try to do the water and soap for around a week.
I looked through my loupe and can see small green bug. There is some webbing on the leaf in the photo if you zoom in. Would you take a look?
For sure spider mites.......wft? neem will work, but is harsh. Azamax is stronger, yet expensive. Nuke em, your best bet. Spray in the early early am or when the humidity rises during the evening. 6-8 tbl per gallon of spray. I also bought their spreader. Or just use yucca. They say and give directions on their website for eradication. They say you can spray three times in one day, then 3 days later, then 6 days later. Should take care of your problem. Here is the bad news, nothing at this point in the year will stop them 100% without poisons. So it's weekly applications till harvest. The nuke em is so harmless, I know people that spray after harvest to keep mildew down. Good luck.
i use Down To Earth's Neem Seed Meal. i brew 1 cup to 5 gallons of water for 24 hours then spray the shit out of them, everywhere, under the leafs on the branch, everywhere. stuff works really good and it OMRI listed, so its organic.....check it out NEEM SEED MEAL 6-1-2
Avid is good shit man. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. It's the staple mite killer. Widely used all over world. I have some but haven't had to bust it out. I've been able to get away with organic contact killer stuff but tht cuz I have tiny population. If it's an infestation you might have to bust that out. People will talk mad shit though. They have little bottles on ebay for like 13 bucks. Good enough for 10gal. All the professional growers that I know use it only once on day one of flower and let it ride. I've been smoking avid weed since avid was created. Even had my blood tested for pesticides after I found out like imidacloprid and avermectin. Came back negative. I was actually kinda pissed when I discovered my sources used that but all is well. Heck I know old ass farts that smoke avid weed too. Chemophobia is pretty strong in 2017. People forget that it's the dosage that makes the poison. I personally think it's the whole organic marketing scheme that's been going on since 2005. Started in europe, spread to here. Anyways that's my experience with it. They said ONLY once at the beginning with 1.8ml per gal. After that all u can really do is predatory bugs and neem but you'll quickly find out how expensive and worthless that it on resistant mites
A ton of my friends who also buy their stuff from this source have kids too. None of them came out mentally disabled or deformed. I can still get it up lol and not losing hair.
If you boil habanero peppers, you can also spray the plant with that and kill them on contact. Really effective. You gotta do it for a week straight to make sure you kill all stages of mites. Then after that just do it every 3-4days. Habanero peppers are kinda expensive now tho so might not be the best choice anymore. Literally has no effect on weed. And No your weed won't taste like chili
Here's the link I hope I'm not breaking any rules. Lmk if I am. HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals" There's the ingredients. You can read thru it but sorta a waste of time. Just bunch of fools Goin back and forth. It actually works though.
All but one plant looks healthy. I have some avid. Seeing how the other measures i have been using work out.
Avid is a no no. In Cali, we test all our product. If you spray avid on day one of flower, it will show up in your concentrates for sure.
USE THE DE POWDER. It's called diatomaceous earth. It's food grade and safe. Buy a garden duster on eBayif your local hardware store don't have them for cheapfor 10 to 20 bucks and dust the entire plant in a layer of that powder. don't worry about focusing on the underneath because the dust will get there itself so work your way up from the bottom up. it's foodgrade so I think you can use it most of the time but the powder might stick too much to the Trics when they start to form. this stuff rubs on them & on all bugs tears the exoskeletons apart causing dehydration, suffocating, and death. It's a beautiful thing these big mmj "pros" don't do or mention and ITS FOOD GRADE ALL NATURAL NO OIL BASED OR CHEMICAL PESTICIDE!! God only knows why they don't. Plus it's great for your body if you consume it. Look into it. EBay sells pure food grade DE for cheap AF from small bags to cheap ass big bags.
Were u ever able to find a solution?? I've been spraying hydrogen peroxide lately not that I'm in deeper flower. I haven't found mites but doing it anyways. Suppose to add extra insurance against funugs spores. pure contact killer tho
I'd spray it if it were my last resort but thats after a long list of tricks lol and only in veg or during transition. I didn't have to this season. Doubt I will ever with all the newer more natural tricks I learn online. Maybe for surrounding regular plants that are infected. Having one season sucks. But all personal in my case. Selling avid weed to real "med patients" is messed up for sure. Allowing people to use avid is even more dangerous given how dumb people can be. I could totally see some jackass spraying an extreme dose a couple days before harvest.