spicy foods/spices

Discussion in 'General' started by Just Ordinary, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Personally i really enjoy a spicy dish that really makes my mouth water. this isn't just when i'm high, it's always. I love to have that little kick with whatever i'm having...

    any other tokers enjoy spicy food or spices with their dishes?

    In like fast food items such as burgers i'll always eat it with some jalapenoes or even banana peppers. habanero peppers are a little harder to obtain, but when i do, i enjoy the taste of it. the kick might be a little bit too much for me at times, but most of time i love it. and with sandwiches and stuff man i need my hot sauce. like tabasco, or chulula is damn good. or RED DEVIL HOT SAUCE. yum. or at least eat 'em with crushed pepper flakes.

    damn i'm high but i'm hungry as hell
  2. You havent tried spicy till you've eaten Indian food
  3. i heard some great things about indian food... any specific dishes you would recommend? and i'm from the south asian descent so i can definitely handle spicy dishes, but i won't boast about how spicy i can eat. i think i'm decent.
  4. my homie and I always order from thai chili house...we always order this spicy soup called Tom Yum Goong w/shrimp...that shit will fucking cure any disease...not really, but sure feels like it. It's hot...spicy...sour and shrimpy...love it!
  5. Nothing in particular. Everything they make is spicy. And I dont mean it has a nice kick. This is rolling on the floor holding your throat spicy. They will usually dial it down for Americans, but even then its pretty damn spicy.
  6. [​IMG]what most of my food swims in.
  7. Thai food can be really spicy, too, if you eat authentic tai. But it's a different type of spicy, it's a sweet spicy. I love it. mmmm

    I love spicy food. My tummy/bum bum don't so much. :laughing:
  8. The best food for spicyness is Thai. I've been very fortunate to have had authentic Thai Stick weed, but I don't think I ever ate Thai food after smoking it, I'd sure like to try it someday.
  9. I have this stuff pumping through my veins.
  10. I don't eat something unless it's spicy. It's not enjoyable to me.

    I have a ghost chili paste in the fridge that I put into almost everything. I also eat a lot of curries...which makes me smell like curry when I sweat :laughing:
  11. I love anything spicy and put hot sauce on nearly anything. Nothing worse than bland food.
  12. holy shit... how could i forget to mention cajun fries at five guys.... that isn't spicy but has a lot of fucking cajun spice on it jesus.

  13. You guys are making me hungry and it's too damn cold to go to the store
  14. [​IMG]

    THIS is the best hot sauce ever made. And yes, it's gotta be flying goose brand.
  15. Bow before the King

  16. I disagree. I think Sriracha tastes like straight up crap, unless it's worked into a recipe. Putting it on top of something? No thanks!
  17. Well have you tasted flying goose brand? Cause the only sriracha brand I've ever found in the US tastes awful, don't remember the name of it.
  18. i put hot sauce on almost anything. i love spicy food.

  19. No, never seen that particular brand. Only the rooster one. The Asian store by my house calls it "cock sauce" :laughing:

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