why are you guys celebrating the white house press secretary resigning his position? seems pretty childish imo.
Because if you are going to be press Secretary, it's bad enough to be contradicted by your boss (POTUS) and worse to be shown as an obvious liar on numerous occasions.. Personally I am not celebrating, since Sara is no bargain either. I was hoping (and still hope) that Sessions would be gone as well. NOW I WOULD CELEBRATE THAT ONE..LOL
I used to think that Spicer was a decent guy but I don't have any respect for someone who knowingly lies everyday - he knew what he was getting into when he took the job. I could never work at a job - whatever job it is - if performing my duties meant going against my personal morals.
We've just seen the first crack in the Trump/Sessions romance. Who knows, maybe he will be next. I think we could all celebrate Session's departure.
Don't blame him.. He was contradicted by potus too many times. Probably too late to save his reputation though. I did enjoy him though. Better than Huckabee, she has no personality.
Who else would you blame? His very first press conference he scolded the press and insisted that the inauguration crowd was the largest in history as ordered by the boss and shouldn't be questioned. If he had any moral compass at all he would have resigned on Jan. 21,2017. Anyone that's associated with trump becomes tainted.
Two famous names come to mind..used to like them both until they joined up with the Donald.. Nickey Halley VP Pence Bummer..Funny, everyone gets a case of "DUMB" after joining the Trump Team! Ever listen to a recent Pence speech? Sounds like he is there only to cheer DJT on to whatever??
Big Daddy has his war paint on and is on the war path. Whose next? Sessions, Mueller? Who would have guessed making America great would be so hard?
I love how's he's "just curious" about Presidential pardons of family members. Nothing to see here, lol.