South Texas outdoor grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by 210grow, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Hey guys what's up, so this is my first time trying to cultivate the great Mary Jane and I thought I'd make a thread and keep it up to date. I got 10 seeds from a purple og kush bag that I had. I already germinated the seeds and put them in the ground this morning I'll be sure to keep y'all up to date

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  2. It's definitely easier to grow outside in natural conditions when first starting out. I don't know if you plan to grow your plant off inside a container or plant directly into the ground, but keep in mind that a container gives you mobility with your plant whereas putting them in the ground means they'll be there regardless. If you do a container grow, say a 5 gallon bucket, remember that these plants do not like their roots sitting in moisture all the time and allow them ample time to dry between watering/feeding so you don't end up with root rot. However, I will admit that overwatering is much less an issue outside because of the natural evaporation caused by the sun. You'll need a very light and arid soil for ease of root movement and good drainage and give the plant a chance to use up nutes in the soil before pouring on the chemicals. Do some serious reading in the new grower threads if you don't have a lot of growing experience, but going outside is definitely the easy way to start out. When your plants start to reach the end of the flowering period, they turn into magnets for various pests and bugs to attack, so keep a sharp eye out about the last month of the flowering period and never touch one plant and then move over to touch another since it's quite easy to spread issues among plants. Good luck. Hope all goes well and you end up with a seriously good yield. TWW
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  3. Thank you TWW and I put the germinated seeds straight into the ground and poured a little bit of water over them we had about an inch of rain last night so they soil was a little moist already when I dug up my site I noticed a lot of earth worms In that area I read that that's good to keep it aerated.. I'm going to put a fence up around it tomorrow to prevent small rodents from getting my babies! I'll post a picture the. And thanks for all the help and tips in advance guys!

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  4. A bit late for a spring run and to early for summer..
    You might have enough time to get them out of the ground come mid June if they haven't started to reveg..
    The other option is some dusk to dawn solar lights will keep them in veg till June when you can just let them continue to veg..

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  5. Thanks for the Info I didn't know that there where certain times I just figured the weather was warm and the sun was shining so it was a good time to plant them.. How much did those lights run ya?

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  6. Ya I made the same mistakes when I started growing.. It never gets really cold In Southern California so I planted out of season with clones.. They all flowered at a foot tall..
    Hampton Bay Outdoor Solar Black LED 70 Lumen Spotlight-SS23C-M8-BKT-CPK1 - The Home Depot
    Home Depot $ 45.00 has 2 settings 70 lumens for 6 hours or 35 lumens for 10 hours.. The longer lower setting is what I use..

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  7. So Cal Growers Unite
    Here is the So Cal outdoor thread.. Several of us do play games with off season plants outside but it's usually vegged inside under lights until they are a decent size then we stick them out to flower.. We can get up to 4 harvests from the same holes in the yard every year.. Keeps us within the plant counts for our recommendations.. Nothing in them says we can only run one summer set..

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  8. So basically what you're telling me is I could possibly harvest my plant 4 times?

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  9. A fresh plant 4 times per year..
    Here is the ones I put out the first of this month and they will finish the last week of May..
    They got vegged in my garden shed for a couple of months before set out..
    Like so.. I keep taking clones off the big vegged plants and toss the vegged plants out to flower.. It just goes on and on.. The outside girls need about 70 to 90 days actual to flower so that lets me do 4 sets per year..
    Keep asking if I haven't made myself entirely clear.. I really don't mind teaching this part.. I've got you watched now so your posts will show on my watched threads list..

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  10. Okay I understand what you're saying now BNW and I do have a question it got pretty cold outside lastnight the low was 37 could my seedlings have froze overnight? I might just be paranoid but i want to be sure they'll be okay

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  11. I used to live in south Texas....30 miles south of San Antonio...........Deer will be the biggest problem, and you will have to water every day. I never had any luck, but I am sure it can be done if you add a few Scarecrows lol. Good luck, I will be keeping up with this grow.
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  12. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] okay so I got my fence up today and I took a few pictures of the area I'm growing in and the soil I put my seeds in. when I went to feel the soil it compressed together and broke apart pretty Easy so that's good it was a little rocky so I dug up the area removed the rocks as good as possible (and that big ass one that was inside the fence) then I put the dirt back in it and planted my seeds I hope that cold weather last night didn't affect em

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  13. While they can take a bit of frost it won't do them any good and the cold will slow them.. 37 shouldn't have hurt them at all..
    If you get a frost warning you can cover with a bed sheet and keep them from taking to much damage..
    We used to cover tender plants that way to protect against the rare freeze-frost So Cal can get..

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  14. Water everyday OG? I was told they'd rather be deprived of water than drowning In it..I have a few tricks up my sleeves for the deer if they decide to mess with my babies!! And thanks BNW I was paranoid lol but it didn't even really freeze here during the winter it's actually been quite hot here so I was surprised when that cold weather came in like that.

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  15. Well day 3 and it's still pretty cold out it was 37 when I woke up and there was frosty dew on a lot of the grass not much progress it still looks the same as yesterday so there's not much to post about-peace

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  16. Some action on my own just planted seeds.. 4 of 32 up so far

  17. Looking good over there BNW

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  18. Thanks.. Got 7 up and green and 4 more necks showing but heads still in the dirt stage.. That four will all break through tonight.. It's more fun then a litter of new puppies with out all the noise and mess.. :lmafoe:

  19. Day 4 ahh good ole day 4 as I was looking over my plants this morning I noticed that two of my (hopefully) girls have sprouted today is a good day [​IMG][​IMG]

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  20. Update day 6: 7 of the 10 I planted have sprouted I noticed there are some Ants in my flower bed i made are they harmful to the plants??

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