I F-ING LOVE SOUTH PARK AND YOU SHOULD TOO. BEST.SHOW.EVER. Especially stoned. And besides, who wouldn't want to bang Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
i concur! glad to see other SP fans up here! my fav episode would have to be 'the woodland critters christmas'. check that shit out. ridic. LOL.
always been a fan. Have all that shit on netflix. I own season one, even though it's not one of my favorites. Best episodes: scott tenorman must die, return of chef, with apologies to jesse jackson (when stan's dad says the n-word on wheel of fortune, and cartman picks on the midget guy), clubhouses (mostly because of the fat abbott cartoon) and the scientology, r kelly cracks my shit up in that one. Hell i could sit here and come up with another 20 favorites lol
watching season 8 on dvd right now, the goobacks episode (the time imagrints) lol. So highhhh they took our jobsssss
i didn't even realize they cut their characters out of construction paper till a year or two ago man i felt dumb for not knowing that
yes he is. one of my favorite actors... he's so fucking hilarious on pineapple express and especially the office.
haha i hear ya. and they still have it after all these years. medicinal fried chicken, crippled summer, and creme fraiche are all classics