sour diesel seedling brown?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by duckingmormon, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. I recently germinated some seeds (5 in total) put them in plastic cups about 2 days ago. 2 are sour diesel from medical seeds co and 3 i picked from some weed i had.
    only 2 of the seeds have come through the soil so far, one sour diesel and the other from the unknown weed. the second one is bright green and seems to be very healthy but the sour diesel is completely brown, just wondering if this was normal.
  2. Whats brown? The cotyledons? What stage of growth are they?
  3. the seedling just came through the soil, and yeah the cotyledons are brown, i dont know if i just have to wait for this to correct itself or if i did something wrong
  4. There's nothing you did wrong at this point the only thing is it could be a bad seed, can you see the true leaves? What colour? The plant won't be using nutrients from the soil yet and so it can't be a deficiency or anything wrong with your growing medium.
  5. true leaves havent shown yet, cotyledons on the sour diesel are brown but the other one has bright green cotyledons
  6. Yeah just a bad seed but wait it out it could fix itself.

  7. Not at this stage. It's just come out of the seed with brown leaves he hasn't got his true set yet.
  8. They most likely will turn green...give them a couple days..
    Ive had them off color before , even white when they first shed the seed...
    not a big deal... just give her some light and keep an eye on her

  9. some do....some dont.... in perfect health they will keep them...
    ive seen it many times, but when they do fall off it is no cause to be alarmed,
  10. ok ill just wait and see how it goes, about the other 3 seeds i planted.. how long is the normal waiting period for seedlings to come through the ground? i think its been 3 days already and im not sure what to expect.
  11. im begining to see a little green on the sour D, but still another issue, the cotyledons are still joined together at the stop, but i can see the true leaves growing between them, should i correct this by separating them?

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