Sound Cannons

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Tomber, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. #1 Tomber, Dec 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2011
    I'm an undercover pothead at a police forum, and was recently e-mailed this story: Protests Boost Sales of 'Sound Cannons' -

    Like many of you, I am often thinking about how much I dislike police. Well the police have managed to do it again and now use "Sound Cannons" to attack people!

    Protesters get jail for bubbles and cops use sound CANNONS to blast away at pacifists. ARRRGH. How loud are these cannons? Here's a quote: "louder than a jet takeoff at 100 meters"! Jets are so loud! I used to live behind and airport and those things make some serious noise!

    So what does everyone think? Ethical/unethical? Why?

    EDIT: There is a comment box at the bottom of the article. I encourage you to speak there as well as here. I left a comment as well.
  2. i dont know too much about these but if what you say is true, i say unethical.
    they could potential cause deafness or fuck up someone's brain
  3. Make my fucking day and use one of those on me you tyrannical bastards.
  4. haha suckers, I would stand 2 feet from that shit and :metal:
  5. they should play dubstep out of those damn cannons, that'll teach them:cool:
  6. Just throw a bottle of piss at it. Boom. Things fried. Case closed. Haha

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