Right- got to sleep last night at about one- snatched (there you go 420 girlie- your favorite word) about six hours sleep and got up and went to the bus stop... got about ten mins sleep on the bus... got to college at 0930 cos the bus was late went thru normal boring lessons and then had to do a couple of hours rowing then came home on the hour long bus and walked two miles from bus stop to my house cos my sis couldn't pick me up- and it's winter and dark... then got in did loads of french work on fucking french media and the MINITEL system, then biology and then had sudden burst of unknown energy- did some weights and sit ups- talked to friends over MSN and then wrote this... nighty night...
Wow, energizer snatch I'm just kidding. Poor wittle snatchy watchy's all tuckered out. I stayed home from school yesterday and I slept until like 2:00 when my best friend came over and smoked me bowls and then I made grub ass food and layed back in my bed until my dad came home at like 8:30 and brought me taco time ( grubbin ) Then I got stoned again, took a bath, talked to my boyfriend, and went to bed. It was pretty rough.
oh shit i love taco time...the first taco time was in eugene, so this city as one almost on every fucking block, their fucking crisp bean/meat/chicken burritos are a stoners best friend
i just skimmed through this post...saw 3 things...I had to comment on.. tired...I feel yea switch! I havent been on the boards or church in so long cause all I do is work and sleep lately!! snatch..lol. need I say more. taco...the pink kind. ok, thanks for your time.
No shit, everytime I go there I always get the same thing a crispy bean burrito meal with a diet coke and side of sour cream. I live in a small ass town but we have a Mcdonalds, an Arbys, Taco time, subway, and Baskin and Robbins. We used to have a dairy queen but it went out of business. I consider us lucky though, where my mom lives theres not even a real grocery store. There are like 4 taverns a liquor store a family market and a gas station. There's nothing like a big trip into town